Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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RADIO DAILY: Thursday, October 20, 1949 Vol. 49, No. 13 Thur., Oct. 20, 1949 10 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher FRANK BURKE : : : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, (18), N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp., J. W. Alicoate, President. and Publisher ; Donald M Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Marvin Kirsch, Vice-President ; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicocjte, Secretary. Terms (Postage free) United States (other than California) $10.00 one year; California, $15.00. Foreign, $15.00. Address all communications to Radio Daily. 1501 Broadway, New York (18), N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address : Radaily, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Gladstone 8436 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older, Chief 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Hal Tate, Manager. 360 No. Michigan Ave. Phone: Randolph 6-6650 SOUTHWEST BUREAU Paul Girard, Manager Tower Petroleum Bldg., Dallas, Texas Phone: Riverside 3518-9 Entered as second class matter, April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., ■mder the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL (October 19) NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net High Low Close Chg ABC 87/8 8 '/2 8?8 + 'A Admiral Corp. . 28 7 8 283/8 281/2 Va Am. Tel. & Tel. . 144V2 144 1441/2 + Vi CBS A 233/4 23'A 231/4 CBS B 231/4 23 23 Philco 31 V4 303,4 303/4 Vz RCA Common 13% 13 131/4 RCA 1st ptd 72 V4 721/4 72V4 Vz Stewart-Warner 123,4 12 V, 123/4 Westinghouse 287/8 28V8 287'8 + Vz Westinghouse pfd. 99 99 99 Zenith Radio .... 2934 29l/4 291/2 Va NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Hazeltine Corp. . 141/2 133/4 I41/4 + Not. Union Radio 3 27/8 3 + Va OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked DuMont Lab U% Stromberg-Carlson 1 21/2 WJR (Detroit) 7 15% 133/4 7% WOR To Air Forum The first two sessions of the annual New York Herald Tribune Forum will be broadcast by WOR. Oct. 24 and 25, 10-10:30 p.m. Leading Democrats and Republicans will participate in panel discussions on party issues. RCA INSTITUTES, INC. A Service of Radio Corporation of America One of the leading and oldest schools of Radio Technology in America, offers its trained Radio and Television technicians to the Broadcasting Indastry. Our graduate* have lit Clans Telephone License. Address inquiries to Placement Director RCA INSTITUTES, Inc. 350 W. 4th St., New York 14, N. Y New Stations Sought For Canadian Cities (Continued from Page 1) sions here. Stations are in the West. R. M. Cantlon asked permission to set up a 250-watt station at Saskatoon and David M. Armstrong asked for a license to operate a similar station in Victoria, B. C. Their applications were opposed by existing stations in those cities. The other submissions were , by G. Stirling, for a station at ■ St. Johns, Nfld., and Henri Lagufux for one at Thet fiord Mines, Que, Cantlon's application was his third for permission to establish a Saskatoon station. A. E. Murphy, president of CFQC, now the city's only station opposed the request on the ground that Saskatoon cannot support two stations. A similar protest was raised by M. V. Chestnut manager of CJVI, Victoria, against the operation of a second station in that community. Hill, Former NBC Staffer, Dies In Elkhart, Ind. 'Continued from Page 1) bureau in 1938. He was chief of the Tokyo Bureau and was on duty there when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor. He was interned until June 2, 1942, when he returned to the United States. Hill joined the National Broadcasting Company in 1943 and for two years covered the war in North Africa, Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Later he served as a radio news commentator. Scholarships Awarded On WMCA's Quiz Show "Alexander's Quizdom Class," current events and history quiz for New York City high school students which originated on WMCA in 1944, will return to the air on Friday, 9: 03-9: 30 p.m., under the sponsorship of Alexander's Department Store in the Bronx. College scholarships valued at $2,000 annually are awarded to successful contestants who survive the early elimination rounds. Joe O'Brien serves as quizmaster. William Warren Advertising Agency handles the account. Stork News David Levitan, consultant on the American network's "On Trial" program, is the father of a girl born to Mrs. Levitan Monday at Le Roy Hospital, New York. Mother is Judith Morely, writer and broadcaster on "Voice of America." The baby, which weighed six pounds, one ounce, at birth, will be named Barbara Lane. Harriet Davis To Speak Harriet Davis, research specialist on "Living, 1949," NBC program, today will address the members of Institute of International Education at that organization's, headquarters,. 2 West 45th Street, New York, . Court Asks FCC For Info In KECA-KTHT Dispute (Continued from Page 1) watts day -and night, with directional antenna, instead of five kilowatts day and one kilowatt night, on the 790 band. KECA claims that this means 90 per cent of the people between its normally projected contour and the limits of the area it actually reaches with primary service will experience interference from KTHT. This will mean, it said, the loss of good ABC service in the area, since other ABC service is not available to these listeners. Commission position is that comparable service — from other networks — is available to these listeners, and that the value to the public of the. KTHT increase outweighs the importance of the: loss in the KECA area Pioneers To Launch 'Radio Hall Of Fame' (Continued from Page l)r a report at a Radio Pioneers meeting to be held in January. r~ William Hedges, NBC vice-president who is president of the Pioneers, disclosed that 30 additional members have been accepted by the club, bringing total membership well over the 300 mark. He disclosed also that the annual banquet will be held in March, at a time and piace to be decided later. COminC and G0II1G MERLE JONES, general manager of KNX, Los Angeles, and WAYNE STEFFNER, sales manager of KNX-Columbia Pacific Network, are at Arrowhead Springs, Calif., attending the western-area meeting of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. ROBERT J. BENTON, vice-president of BMI in charge of publisher relations, has returned from Pinehurst, N. C, where he attended the meeting of District 4 of the NAB. HERMAN GURIN, staff engineer for NBC, went out to Bloomfeld, N. J., this week to attend a meeting on lighting of the Westinghouse plant. JOHN ELMER, president of WCBM, Baltimore, has returned to Maryland after having attended the New York meeting of the BMI board of directors. MILTON CROSS, American network musical authority, between broadcasts is touring the South with the Red Path Bureau operatic quartet. Today they're appearing at the Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, N. C. CATHY MASTICE is the soprano with the quartet. BENEDICT GIMBEL, JR., president and general manager of WIP, Philadelphia, is spending today and tomorrow in New York on station and network business. TONY MOE, promotion chief at WCCO, Columbia network outlet in the Twin Cities, is spending this week visiting the CBS headquarters in Hollywood. WILL 0. MURRELL, JR., promotion manager of WORZ, Orlando, Fla., and his wife, "Delores," well known as a virtuoso on the Hammond organ, are on the way back to the station following a short business trip to New York. Well, I'll be darned!" Timothy, the -jaguar from South America, seems to be overcome "with amazement at what he sees. Maybe Tim is seeing for' the first time one of the new hair-dos our young ladies are sporting these days. Many businessmen are amazed when they see how much their sales have increased after advertising over W-I-T-H. This might be due to the fact that W-I-T-H covers 92.3% of all the radio homes in the Baltimore trading area! Remember W-I-T-H, the radio station that produces amazing results. Call in your Headley-Reed man, he'll tell you the whole W-I-T-H story. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Tom Tinsley, President • Represented by Headley-Reed