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Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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Section of RADIO DAILY, Friday. October 28. 1949 GE To Make 16-Inch Short Neck TV Tube General Electric announced yesterday that it is joining the parade of TV tube manufacturers who have already entered the field with development of the short neck tube, with a new wide-angle 16-inch metal TV picture tube five inches shorter than conventional tubes of this size. Development of this new tube by G. E. will allow for the manufacture of a more compact home receiver for the larger picture. Production in limited quantities is scheduled to begin in December at the company's Electronics Park plant in Syracuse. The new tube (Type 16GP4) will also feature a "filter-glass" face plate, said to improve picture contrast and clarity by reducing halation and cutting down reflections from surrounding light sources. The new tube's overall length measures roughly 17 V2 inches compared to 22 V2 inches for previous tubes of this diameter. Goldberg Appointed V.-P. Decca Distributing Corp. Sydney N. Goldberg has been appointed a vice-president of Decca Distributing Corp., wholly owned subsidiary of Decca Records, Inc., it has been announced by Milton R. Rackmil, president of Decca Records, Inc. Goldberg has been general sales manager of the Distributing Corporation. eagmeerscoasultaats RALPH B. AUSTRIAN Television Consultant 1270 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS NEW YORK 20, N. Y. Tel.: CO. 5-6848 A. R. BITTER Consulting Radio Engineers 4125 MONROE STREET TOLEDO 6, OHIO Tel.: Kingswood 7631 WILLIAM L. FOSS, Inc. Formerly Colton & Foil, Inc. 927 15th St.. N.W. REpublic3883 WASHINGTON, D. C. PR0DUCTI0I1 PARADE TV Studio Lighting System Packaged studio lighting systems, designed for use with modern studio cameras are now available through the Broadcast and Television Studio Equipment Section of the RCA Engineering Products Dept. The new studio lighting fixtures include many specialized items of equipment needed in commercial TV operation. The company also revealed that RCA Broadcast engineers are available for consultation in planning correct studio lighting. DuMont Names Oberndorfer Frank A. Oberndorfer has been appointed to the post of assistant advertising and sales promotion manager of the receiver sales division, Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc., it has been announced. Oberndorfer will assist Henry R. Geyelin, DuMont's advertising manager, in national and cooperative advertising campaigns, as well as the handling of sales promotional activities with the company's dealers and distributors. Extensive Promotion By TV Distr. The opening of a new TV station in Huntington, W. Va. next month, will be marked by a rigorous promotion and advertising campaign by the Tele tone distributor there, Mountain Electronics Co., Inc., with headquarters in Charleston, W. Va. Charles A. Meyer, president of the distributing company, announced plans to run full page ads in the Huntington papers and will direct a publicity campaign in that area in the new low price Tele-tone video line. He indicated that the potential market in this territory would be greatly expanded by the opening of the new TV outlet. Garod Allocates TV Sets According to an announcement by Garod Electronics Corp., demand for their TV sets by distributors and dealers has made it necessary for the company to establish a factory allocation system which will probably be in effect for the next six months. According to Louis Silver, vicepresident and general manager of the company, they "are now producing receivers at an accelerated rate, which is nearly 100 per cent higher than the turnout in October 1948." Emerson Radio & Record Player Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp. has announced a new threeway portable radio with three shortwave bands, in addition to the standard broadcast band. Known as the Emerson Universal Portable, Model 643, the set will retail for $59.95. In addition, the company announced a new automatic record changer (Model 625) which is a three-speed automatic record player, listing at $54.95. TV Ballast Replacements Five new TV ballast replacement numbers are announced by Clarostat Mfg. Co., Inc., Dover, N. H., namely: Emerson 397022 and 397023, Motorola 17A485459, Teletone TPR 102D, and Belmont B9M 16067. These numbers are in addition to Motorola 17A47033 and Emerson 571-606 already listed in Clarostat literature. All numbers carry a list price of $3.00. Tricraft Antennas A new "3000" Hi-Lo Conical Type X Antenna series has been announced by Tricraft Products Co., Chicago. These newly designed antennas are pre-assembled at the factory, ready to install. They match 72, 150 and 300 ohm impedance; are allwave, high gain on all channels and are durably constructed of aluminum. History Of Television Booklet Frank A. D. Andrea, president of the Andrea Radio Corp., a pioneer in the radio and TV field, has just completed a four-color illustrated booklet, on "History and Manufacture of Television Receivers," which is now available to the public at all Andrea dealers. The booklet covers the background and development of TV and gives advice by Andrea on what the average video buyer should look for when purchasing a set. Television "Rota-Tower" A new television tower, the Model 300 "Rota-Tower," which elevates the video antenna approximately 30 feet above roof-tops and weighs only 40 pounds, has been introduced by the Easy-Up Company, Racine, Wis. Its use is primarily for residential markets where added height for the TV antenna is desired to secure the best possible signal. Incorporated in it is a new rotating feature, permitting the antenna to be oriented after the tower is completely installed. List price of the new model is $64.50. Stewart-Warner Electric Appointee Erling G. Fossum, an employe of Stewart-Warner Corp., Chicago since 1926, has been appointed general manager of StewartWarner Electric, the company's radio and television division. This was announced yesterday by James S. Knowlson, president and board chairman of Stewart-Warner. Fossum's appointment as division head, effective Nov. 1, fills the vacancy created by the recent resignation of Samuel Insull, Jr. In his new position Fossum will be responsible for all phases of engineering, production and marketing of radio, TV and other electronic products of Stewart-Warner Electric. Replacement Plan Established By Meek A unique replacement policy for all purchasers of radios manufactured by John Meek Industries, Plymouth, Ind., ranging from their least expensive model, retailing at $11.95 to their FM-AM combinations listed for up to $44.95, has been announced by John Meek, president of the firm. The plan allows any customer to bring his Meek radio to his dealer for repair, and, instead of having his set undergo repairs and perhaps wait weeks for the necessary adjustments, he'll be pleasantly surprised to find that he's presented with a .brand new set at once, an exact replacement of the set he brings for repair. Three Main Features Outlined "The dealer, in turn, avoids costly service costs and time waste by simply returning the receiver to our plant, where it is completely reconditioned for resale," Meek said. Features of the new plan, designed to enhance customer-dealer relations, are: (1) The retail patron gets a new set on presentation of the defective receiver, except in instances where willful damage has been done. (2) There is no service charge to dealers for adjustments made at the plant. (3) The set is thoroughly checked and reconditioned by Meek engineers, and is put in proper order for resale purposes. EAGIAEERS— COnSULTAnTS McNARY & WRATHALL RADIO ENGINEERS 906 Natl. Press Bldg. 1407 Pacific Ave. Washington 4, D.C. Santa Cruz, Cal. Member AFCCB L. W. ANDREWS, INC. RADIO CONSULTANTS 219 WHITAKER BLDG. DAVENPORT, IOWA Phone 2-7824 GEORGE P. ADAIR Radio Engineering Consultants Executive 1230 Executive 5851 1833 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C