Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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Tuesday, November 1, 1949 RADIO DAILY 5 Record Attendance At NAB Regional (Continued from Page 1) chairman. In calling the two-day session to order, Chairman Fellows complimented the broadcasters for their turnout and declared it was an excellent demonstration of the vitality of radio. He emphasized the importance of the session as a sales clinic and indicated that radio was a prosperous, growing business despite the expansion of TV. Yesterday morning the broadcasters heard Kenneth Baker, NAB research director and acting president of Broadcast M e a surement Bureau, report on the progress of the Second Study. Baker reiterated a previo u s announcement that the Second Study would be ready for distribution around December 1st. Maurice B. Mitchell, direc FELLOWS tor of Broadcast Advertising Bureau, was introduced by Herbert L. Kreuger, chairman of the First District Sales Managers, and then proceeded to present the BAB story. His subject was "Increasing Radio's Share of the Advertising Dollars." Mitchell's presentation took most of the afternoon with broadcasters interrupting from time to time to ask questions pertinent to their operations. Later Carl Haverlin, president of BMI, reported on the industry's music organization. He indicated that it was a growing operation and urged the broadcaster subscribers to take an active interest in the popularizing of BMI tunes. Lawrence to be Heard Craig Lawrence, general manager of WCOP, and Chairman of the employee-employer relations, will open this morning's session by introducing Charles H. Tower, assistant director of NAB Employee-Employer relations. The discussion will cover station operating labor costs, technical, programming and selling. Personnel costs will also come up for discussion. Following the morning session the broadcasters will lunch with members of the Boston Ad Club at the Hotel Somerset and when the afternoon session is resumed Justin Miller, president of NAB, will speak on "Radio Broadcasting — NAB and You." Dempsey To Guest On CBS Former world's heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey will be the guest 'of N. Y. Yankee star Joe DiMaggio on CBS' "Joe Dimaggio Show," Nov. 5, 10:00-10:30 a.m., EST. Big moments in Dempsey's long and brilliant ring career will be dramatized, and he will be interviewed by the Yankee Clipper. Registration For Meet Of 1st District NAB Below is the advance registration for the two-day meeting of the First District, NAB, which opened yesterday at the Hotel Somerset in Boston. The list includes names of most of the NAB membership in the New England area as well as industry executives from New York and Washington. The names and affiliations follow: A Amor, Addison .. RCA Recording — N. Y. C. Alaire, Leon WACE — Chic opee, Mass. Armstrong, A. N. Jr.. . WCOP — Boston.Mass. Atwood, Jack S WKDO — Augusta, Me. Ayer, Demeritt. .VVMUK — Manchester, N. H. B Baker, Dr. Kenneth B. NAB — Washington, D. C. Bannan, Bertha 855 Little Bldg. — Boston Mass. Barton, Charles Wm. . . WARE — Ware, Mass. Bates, Harold S. . . .WJOY — Burlington, Vt. Batchelder. Ernest F..WKNE — Keene, N. H. Beauvais, Jack A....WEEI — Boston, Mass. Bingham, George W. WGNY-WKIP — Foughkeepsie N. Y. Bird, Lorelei WEEI — Boston, Mass. Bishop, Josephine E. WMAS — Springfield, Mass. Blackburn, J. W. Blackburn-Hamilton Co. — Washington, D. C. Booth, R. W WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Boucher, Louis A. WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Bloomberg, Haskell . WLLH — Lowell, Mass. Borges, Arthur F. . . WERI — Westernly, R. I. Brackett, Quincy A. WSPR — Springfield, Mass. Braine, T. B WCAX — Burlington, Vt. Brewster, Warren H. WLNH — Laconia, N. H. Brissette WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Brown, Carlton D. . WTVL — Waterville, Me. Brush, Arthur T.. . . WHDH — Boston, Mass. Burleigh, W WSPR — Springfield, Mass. C Calhoun, Thomas .... WEEI — Boston, Mass. Carter, Hervey.WMUR — Manchester, N. H. Caryl, Herbert INS — Boston, Mass. Cervone, Larry Gates Radio Company — Washington, D. C. Chalmers, J WEIM — Fitchburg, Mass. Chandler, V.. . . WMFR — Manchester, N. H. Clement, Earle G..WBET — Brockton, Mass. Close, Joseph K WKNE — Keene, N. H. Codel, E. . .The Katz Agency, Inc — N. Y. C. Collins, Robert . WMUR — Manchester, N. H. Congdon, G. M....WRJM — Newport, R. I. Cunningham, Guy. . .WEEI — Boston, Mass. Curran, Charles F. WBKA-WBKA-FM — Brockton, Mass. Curto, K. M WPRO — Providence, R. I. D Davis, Jack WJOY — Burlington, Vt. DeLaney, C. G....WTHT — Hartford, Conn. DeLude, Norman. WOTW — Nashua, N. H. Deme, John WICH — Norwich, Conn. DeRose, C. N WHYN — Holyoke, Mass. Donahue, R WMAS — Springfield, Mass. Donato, N. V. . .C. P. MacGregor — N. Y. C. Doolittle. F. M. . . . WDRC — Hartford, Conn. Dorschug WEEI — Boston, Mass. Duchaine, Joseph P. WBSM — New Bedford, Mass. Dunn, Tom WCOP — Boston, Mass. E Edwards, W. S WEEI — Boston, Mass. F Feldman, Paul . . WMAS — Springfield, Mass. Feldman, R. W. WMAS — Springfield, Mass. Fellows, Harold E. .WEEI — Boston. Mass. Finney, Deane Fall River, Mass. Fitzgerald, Dana W. .WLLH — Lowell, Mass. Flenniken, James M. Capitol Records, Inc. — Hollywood, Calif. Foster, Robert C. Paul H. Raymer Co., Inc. — Boston, Mass. Friedheim, R World Library — N. Y. C. Fuller, A. C WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Fuller, C. A WBET — Brockton, Mass. G Garrigus, Fred WEEI — Boston, Mass. Gatchell, C. E. . . . WGAN — Portland, Maine Gates, James. . . .WIDE — Biddeford, Maine Gilbert, Janet Harold Cabot Company, Inc. — Boston, Mass. Girardin, Ray WEEI — Boston, Mass. Gravel, R. L WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Grauel. Hugh M. World Broadcasting System — N. Y. C. Greenwood, W. . . .WHAV — Haverhill, Mass. Goodman, W. H. . WPRO — Providence, K. I. Gridley, Ansel E WARE — Ware, Muss. Guernsey, E. E WLBZ — Bangor, Me. H Haase, W. B WDRC — Hartford, Conn. Hager, Kolin SESAC — New York City Haigis, John W., Jr. WHAI — Greenfield, Mass. Harlow, Roy Broadcast Music, Inc. — New York Oitj Harrison, G WMAS — Springfield, .Muss. Hasbrook, C. P.... WCAX — Burlington, Vt. Emphasis on Radio Boston — Just how much emphasis NAB is putting on radio these days can be gained from the fact that Emerson Markham, director of NAB's video division, is present at the First District Meeting but is not scheduled to talk before the meeting. Markham is here in the role of a TV observer and whatever conversations he has on television are of an informal nature. Haverlin, Carl BMI — New York City Haves. David WACE — Chicopee, Mass. Hill, J. E. RCA Broadcast Equip. Sales — N. Y. C. Hewitt, W WFCI — Providence. R. I. Higgins, G. T. ...WLAM — Lewiston, Maine Hill, E. E WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Holbrook, C WMOU — Berlin, N. H. Hoy, F. S WL4M — Lewiston. Maine Huber. Paul WTVL — Waterville, Me. Hubley, B. A.. WMNB — North Adams, Mass. Hyde, H. H WPJB — Providence, R. I. Ignacio, Louise. .WEEI — Boston. Mass. J Jaspert, G. H WCCM — Lawrence, Mass. Johnson, W WTIC — Hartford, Conn. Jones, Arthur H. Gray Research & Development Co. — Hartford, Conn. Jones, Ted WCRB — Waltham, Mass. K Keyworth, J. Gordon WMNB — North Adams. Mass. Kenney, Peter B. WKNB — New Britain, Conn. Kimel, David M. WLAW — Lawrence, Mass. King, Gene WCOP — Boston, Mass. Kingsley, Walter .... WCOP — Boston, Mass. Kirby. Gerald WEEI — Boston, Mass. Knight, Carter. . .WEIM — Fitchburg, Mass. Kopka, Anne WOTW — Nashua, N. H. Koster. H. W. . . . WPJB — Providence, R. I. Krueger, H. L. . . WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Kruttschnitt, G. A. WMMW — Meriden, Conn. Kuhner, Charles F. WMNB — North Adams, Mass. Laffey, F. P WLAW — Lawrence. Mass. Lahr, Melvin . . . WSAR — Fall River, Mass. Lathrop, A. E. . . WPJB — Providence, R. I. Lawrence, Craig .... WCOP — Boston, Mass. Lewis, Gordon J. ...WIDE — Biddeford. Me. Lloyd, Edward WEEI — Boston, Mass. Lown, Bert Associated Program Service — N. Y. C. Lucey, W. F WLAW — Lawrence, Mass. M Mack, B WMFR — Manchester, N. H. Malo, W. F WDRC — Hartford, Conn. Malo, W. Jr.. . .WNHC — New Haven, Conn. Maffie. Al WLNH — Laconia, N. II. Marcoux, Rudolph O. Maine Broadcasting System. Portland, Me. Markham G. E. . NAB — Washington, D. C. Marks, II. Roy WEEI — Boston, Mass. Meyer, Harold II.. . WPOR — Porland, Me. Miller, Justin .... NAB — Washington, D. C. Milne, J. T. . . . WNHC — New Haven. Conn. Mitchell. Florence .. WEEI — Boston, Mass. Mitchell, M NAB — Washington, D. C. Molina, H. G. . . . WEIM — Fitchburg. Mass. Molina H. G., Jr.. WEIM — Fitchburg. Mass. Monson, Paul... WSPR — Springfield, Mass. Montague, P. J. WHYN — Holyoke, Mass. Moore, Gordon. WMUR — Manchester, N. H. Morgan, Albert WTVL — Waterville, Me. Morley, B. S WTAG — Worcester, Mass. Morency, P. W WTIC — Hartford. Conn. Morrison Robert Z., Jr. World Broadcasting System New York City Murray. J. J WEEI — Boston, Mass. MacNeil, Marion . . WERI — Westerly, R. I. McElwain, D WACE — Chicopee, Mass. McGrath. William. WHDH — Boston, Mass. McKeon, N. A. ..WTAG — Worcester, Mass. McKernan WTWN — St. Johnsbury. Vt. N Newell. Hal WBKA-WBKA-FM — Brockton, Mass. Newcomb. Arthur. WOTW — Nashua, N. H. Norwood, D WLAW — Lawrence, Mass. o O'Brien, Richard J. WMNB — North Adams, Mass. O'Donnell, C WRJM — Newport. R. I. Oehring, Lewis E. . . WKNE — Keene, N. H. Ogden, Clifford E. Capitol Records. Inc. — Hollywood, Calif. Olson, Harvey .... WDRC — Hartford, Conn. O'Malley, C WACE — Chicopee, Mass. Oury, W. P WERI — Westerly, R. I. Parmet, G. R. . .WALE — Fall River. Mass. Parsons, J. T.. . .WBRK — Pittsfield, Mass. Pattee, Lin BMI — New York City Paul, S. . . Broadcasting Magazine — N. Y. C. Peebles, R. M WKNE — Keene, N. H. Peters, G. J. . . . WAVZ — New Haven, Conn. Pilla, Ed WCOP — Boston, Mass. Pine, Helen WEEI — Boston, Mass. Pinkham, Charles H. Erwin, Wassey & Co. — New York City Piatt , Bernard ... Sponsor — New York City R Reid, Robert . Reinhart, Alan Harry Good Richnian, D. M. Rines, W. H. . . . Robinson, R. J. . Rogers, I. E. . . . Rowles, Mary V. Broadcast Adv Ryder, J. M. . . . Ryder, P. H. . . . INS — New York Citj man Radio Prod. N. Y. C. . .WHOB — Gardner, Mass. .... WCSH — Portland. Me. . . WACE — Chicopee, Mass. . WLAW — Lawrenee, Mass. g. Bureau — New York City WBRY — Waterbury, Conn. WBRY — Waterbury, Conn. Schultz. Carl W. WMMW-WMMW-FM — Meriden. Conn. Schoen, Arnold F., Jr. WPRO — Providence, R. I. Shepard, Richard L. WBKA-WBKA-FM — Brockton, Mass. Shute, E. H., Jr. . . WLAM — Lewiston. Maine Simms, R. . . Erwin, Wassey & Co. — N. Y. C. Sisson, G. L WALE — Fall River. Mass. Sisson, J. R WALE — Fall River, Mass. Spokes, A. E WJOY — Burlington. Vt. Stanton, M WORC — Worcester, Mass. Steinhilber. Reinhold WBET-WBET-FM — Brockton, Mass. Stoughton, Milton W. WSPR — Springfield, Mass. Stovin, H. N. . Radiotime, Inc. — Chicago. 111. Stubbs, L. H WGAN — Portland. Me. Sullivan. C. M...NAB — Washington. D. C. Swan, J. D WCAX — Burlington, Vt. Tiemer, P. . . Paul H. Raymer Co. — N. Y. C. Tindal. Alan C. .WSPR — Springfield, Mass. V Vaill, Charles B. II. WEEI — Boston, Mass. Vigue. Harold. . . WTVL — Waterville. Mass. w Walker. W. A. WFCI — Pawtucket. K. I. Warner. W. W WHDH — Boston. Mass. Way. J. Buz. . . .WALE — Fall River. Mass. Weed. J. J. ..Weed & Co. — New York City Weis, Pierre Lang-Worth Feature Programs — N. ^ . t . Whalen. Mary WEEI — Boston. Mass. Wheeler. Harry. . . WCOP — Boston. Mass. Wildman. James .... WEEI — Boston. Mass. Wilkoft'. John WCOP — Boston. Mass. Williams. David R. Standard Kadio Trans. Serv. — N. Y. C. Woodward, Charles W., Jr. WPJB — Providence, B, l. Y Young. William E. Lang-Worth Feature Prog. N. \. C. Youse, Clifford. . . WLAW — Lawrenee, Mass.