Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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. _ Tuesday. November 29, 1949 RADIO DAILY Vol. 49, No. 38 Tues , Nov. 29, 1949 10 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher FRANK BURKE : MARVIN KIRSCH : : : Editor Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays. Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, (18), N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp., J. W. Alicoate, President. and Publisher; Donald M Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Marvin Kirsch, Vice-President; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoiite, Secretary. Terms (Postage free) United States (other than California) $10.00 one year; Califcrnia, $15.00. Foreign, $15.00. Address all communications to Radio Daily. 1501 Broadway, New York (18), N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337. 7-6338. Cubic address : Radaily, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Allen Kushner. Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Gladstone 8436 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older. Chief 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Hll Tats, Manager. 360 No. Michigan Ave. Phone: Randolph 6-6650 SOUTHWEST BUREAU Paul Girard, Manager Tower Petroleum Bldg., Dallas, Texas Phone: Riverside 3518-9 Kntered as second class matter, April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York. N. Y., ■inder the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL = I November 28) \ E V, YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net High Low Close Chg. ABC 73/8 71/4 7'/4 Admiral Corp 29'/4 29 29 Am. Tel. & Tel.. ..146% 14658 146'8 j U CBS A 25 24% 25 Philco 29% 293A 29% RCA Common . . 12% 12% 12l/4 ...... RCA 1st pfd. 73V'2 72% 73% + Vi Stewart-Warner .11% 11% 11% + % Westinghouse 28 27'/2 27'/2 — % Westinghousc pfd 102'/2 102'/2 102% Zenith Radio . . . 28% 28% 2834 + % NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Hazeltine Corp. 15% 15% 1534 + 3^ Nat. Union Radio 2% 2% 2% — % OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked DuMont Lab 14% 15% Stromberg-Corlson 13% 15 GOODWILL GESTURE BRINGS IN RETURNS Hollywood — Goodwill promotion of stations throughout country via special Christmas shows sold at flat price in all markets was reported to be in final stretch by Joseph F. MacCaughtry. president of Cardinal Co., radio-TV production Arm. Organization packaged top names in four quarter-hour programs tailored for one-time broadcast during coming holidays. Labeled "Xmas-4" the entire package has been made available to all markets for flat price of $20.00. Response to this station promotion has been terrific, according to MacCaughtry. Indications are a minimum of 400 stations will carry Cardinal Christmas shows during holidays. Four shows are designed to be broadcast as late as December 25th, if not before. Company is filling orders from its Hollywood headquarters at 6000 Sunset Boulevard. Hollywood. Calif. Advt. * COmiNG AND GOING C< A. E. JOSCELYN, director of operations for CBS in Hollywood, and MERLE JONES, general manager of KNX-Columbia Pacific Network, are returning to the film capital after having attended NAB's District 16 meeting in Phoenix, Ariz. EARL MULLIN, publicity manager of the American network, is back at his desk following a week-long vacation. HERMAN GUERIN, development-group administrative assistant in the engineering department of NBC, is in Camden, N. J., at tending a meeting on television lighting. MORTIMER W. LOEWI, director of the DuMont network, is resting up for awhile in Hollywood, Florida. JOHNNY LONG and the members of his band are in New Bedford, Mass., another stop in their current series of personal-appearance engagements. PHIL ALAMPI, farm director at WJZ, is due back today from the annual meeting of the Radio Farm Directors, which was held at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago. WJR Aids Farm Directors With Mobile Studio In Chi. (Continued from Page 1) cated across the street from the Stevens Hotel. Last year 42 different stations transcribed programs at the WJR studio for re-broadcast over their own stations. The records and facilities were offered at no cost to the radio stations as a Goodwill station public service. Many types of programs were recorded varying from transcriptions of 4H Club and Live Stock Exposition news highlights to interviews with local winners of National 4H Club and Livestock awards. General Manager Harry Wismer led a WJR delegation consisting of Farm Editor Marshall Wells, promotion manager, James Quello. and producer engineers Bert Vangeisen and Keith Kinney. The WJR studio usually functions under the direction of Farm Editor Wells to bring radio to the farmer and to rural Michigan and Ohio areas. It has been a popular feature at many state and county fairs and agricultural conferences. Arch Kepner Arch Kepner. continuity editor of WQXR. died Sunday at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital after a two-month illness. Kepner was born in Frankfort, Kentucky and graduated from Princeton University. He joined WQXR in 1937 as an announcer and was chief announcer for the station when he joined the Navy. After his service, Kepner returned to WQXR as head of the continuity department. A champion bridge player, hereached the quarter finals of the 1949 Vandcrbilt knock-out team-offour national tournament. Wedding Bells Mike Dann, NBC trade publicist, and Joanne Himmell, of WNBC's "Tex and Jinx" staff will be married Friday. December 2. The newlyweds will honeymoon in Nassau. W. W. CHAPLIN, commentator for NBC and narrator on the network's "Report to America," is expected back tomorrow from Houston, Texas. MAURICE B. MITCHELL, director of the Broadcast Advertising Bureau of the NAB, today is in Los Angeles to address the Advertising Club of the movie city on the subject, "Increasing Broadcasting's Advertising Dollars." GORDON GRAY, vice-president of WIP, Philadelphia, is in Chicago on business. He'll be there through tomorrow. JOHN DERR, assistant director of sports at CBS, back from South Bend, Ind., where on Saturday he directed and produced the network's broadcast of the Notre Dame-Southern California game. GEORGE CASE, manager of WNAO, Raleigh, N. C, is spending some time in Gotham on station business. JOE WEIL today is flying to Hollywood to supervise production of a special fund trailer and several television spots. Col. Records Sets Radio Spot Campaign (Continued from Page 1) lumbia's manager of distribution and promotion. He says the ads will concentrate on the new LP model 103, the older 102 model and LP records in general. Columbia is also working on film spots to be used for television, but there is doubt that this media will be used before Christmas. Noma Using TV Spots To Sell Xmas Novelties Hedges Named Chairman Of March Of Dimes Drive (Continued from Page 1) of $4,000,000 has been set as the goal of the 1950 drive in the greater New York area. The national case load of infantile paralysis is expected to reach 40,000 with nearly 2500 cases in New York City alone. Noma Electric Corporation is using TV for the first time to advertise their line of Christmas decorations. The first of the one-minute film spots appeared last night and others will be run over 32 stations in 11 cities throughout the country from now until December 21st. H. J. Williams, advertising manager for Noma, says this is the first step along this line. He adds that radio was tried some years ago, but with little success. Williams says that color television might make television ads for them much more effective. The Albert Frank-Guenther Law Co. is the Noma agency. He means business ! There's no mistaking that look on Leo's face. He's in no mood to monkey around — he means business! W-I-T-H means business, too. A different kind of business. Economical, profitable business for advertisers who are looking for low-cost results. Year after year, W-I-T-H proves to its advertisers that it's the big bargain buy in Baltimore's rich market. Here's why: W-I-T-H covers 92.3% of all the radio homes in the Baltimore trading area. W-I-T-H gives you more listeners for less money than any other station in town. That's why you can do so much with so little on W-I-T-H. So don't monkey around. Remember that W-I-T-H means profitable business. Get the whole story from your HeadleyReed man. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Tom Tinsley, President • Represented by Headley Reed