Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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^^-^^^^^^ Section of RADIO DAILY. Friday. Dec. 9. 1949 ^^^^-^^-^^^^^-^^^ Movie Theatre Installs 45 RPM Players At the suggestion of some of its patrons, the Little Carnegie Theater in New York recently installed an RCA Victor 45 rpm record player in their game room for a two-week trial period. Installed to test its practicality as an entertainment service for movie patrons waiting between film presentations, the instrument proved so popu'ar that the management installed a second 45 rpm player to better serve the sharp'y divided musical tastes of patrons. The phonograph now installed in the game room features the playing of popular and semi-c'assical numbers while the instrument installed in the theatre's lobby caters to the taste of patrons desiring only classical selections. According to B. D. Bader, assistant manager of the thea'.er, there has been a sharp decrease In activity around the ping-pong and chess and checker tables, a feature of the theater's game room. Philips Co. Surveys 15,000 TV Dealers A survey conducted by North American Philips Company, Inc., to find out what dealers want to know about TV has produced some interesting results. Questioning some 15.000 select TV dealers in various parts of the country, the survey cards, sent out with the November issue of the comoany's Newsletter have come ba~k with this "straight-from-the-dealer" information: dealers want to know more about practically every phase of TV from general video news to the fine points of servicing. On the basis of replies thus far received by North American Philips Company 69% want more general TV news; 65% want more servicing and technical information; 60% want more selling and merchandising tips. Those are top interests. Then there's a drop to the 37% who would like more pictures and visual presentations of ideas, and 33% who would like more news about the Philips company. Surprisingly, only 29% want more stories about other dealers. Many of the dealers questioned replied with specific suggestions as to technical and servicing, general TV news, and projection type TV. Some 30% of the dealers who answered sell projection of which 16% handle Protelgram-equipped sets. EflGlflEERS — COnSDLTflllTS RALPH B. AUSTRIAN Television Consultant 1270 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS NEW YORK 20, N. Y. Tel.: CO. 5-6848 A. R. BITTER Consulting Radio Engineers 4125 MONROE STREET TOLEDO 6, OHIO Tel.: Kingswood 7631 WILLIAM L. FOSS, Inc. Formerly Colton t Foil, Inc. 927 15th Sr., N.W. REpublic 3883 WASHINGTON, D. C. GE Device Eliminates TV Screen Markings General Electric Company announced it has developed a device called a "harmoniker" which will eliminate herringbone markings in most cases on television screens. These markings are signals of high frequency from amateur radio stations. The harmoniker is an arrangement of four coils and condensers in a metal box. To eliminate the television screen markings, amateur radio operators who can construct the harmoniker at home should install the device between transmitters and antennae. GE said it does not plan to market the device commercially. Dist. Named For Polaro'd Filter Eight additional distributors have been appointed to handle the new DeLuxe Polaroid Television Filter, it was announced by Hinter Delatour, sales manager of Pioneer Scientific Corp.. New York City, manufacturers of the new improved product. The new distributors are: R. P. McDavid & Co., Inc., Birmingham. Ala.; Kierulff & Co. and Leo J. Meyberg Co., Los Angeles, both to handle Los Angeles and San Diego areas; Leo J. Meyberg Co., San Francisco; Dulaney's, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Sidles Co., Omaha, Neb.; Adleta Co., Dallas, and Crumpacker Distributing Corp., Houston. New Carton For Sylvania Diodes The new 1N34A and 1N58A germanium diodes recently announced by the Electronics Division of Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., will be marketed to Sylvania distributors in a new carton and counter merchandiser according to an announcement by George C. Connor, general sales manager. The improved individual crystal carton, he said, was adopted after considerable study of effective color combinations and methods of cartoning for individual crystals and ties in with Sylvania's new counter merchandiser carton for 25 units. Commodore Small Emerson Prexy. Ass't. The Board of Directors of the Emerson Radio and Phonograph Corporation, announced the appointment this week of Commodore John D. Small, former Administrator of the Civilian Production Administration and more recently president of Maxson Food Systems, Inc., as executive assistant to Benjamin Abrams, president of Emerson. Abrams said that Commodore Small "in his new post will help co-ordinate and adnv'nister Emerson Radio's extensive and varied activities in the company's heavily accelerated television production program for the forthcoming year." Circle X Indoor Antenna A revolutionary type indoor antenna was recently unveiled by the Circle "X" Antenna Corporation of Perth Amboy, N. J. The new antenna covers the complete TV band with a minimum adjustment. Circular in design, it incorporates many of the features of the company's outdoor Circle "X" Antenna. Retail price of the new model is $24. Fo-ir New Gatod TV Sets Garod Electronics Corporation announces four new TV receivers, ranging in price from $299.95 to $495. Model 1900, is a 19-inch console with a 203 square inch direct view screen. Model 1344 has a 12V2in~h screen housed in a mahogany cabinet and contains the new "Picture-Lock" tuner. The table model 1646 features a 140 square in~h picture on a 16-inch screen, mahogany cabinet and "Picture-Lock" tuner. This model also comes in a blond mahogany cabinet. DuM TV Eq ip. For KEYL TV Station KEYL, San Antonio, Tex., has signed up for DuMont telecasting equipment, according to an announcement by the Television Transmitter Division of Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc. The new station will be on the air shortly, with testing scheduled to start in January. Reg. NARBA Group Study Interference Montreal — Interference caused by distant radio stations operating on the same frequencies as less powerful local stations wa: studied here at a meeting of the regional NARBA conference and brought strong expression of dissatisfaction from Cuba and Canada. Aim of the conference was to determine equitable distribution of frequencies and their allotment to the interested countries. A delegate from Cuba, Antonio Marti Prieto, said his country wished to be protected against interference from foreign stations and he had no objection to equalizing frequencies" on condition that directional antennae were not employed in such a manner as to prevent the waves being directed towards a country where they would cause interference." Form TV Dealers Group The formation of a National Television Dealers Association with headquarters at 402 Washington Building, Washington 5, D. C. has bsen announced. Incorporated under the laws of the state of Maryland, purposes of the association are to promote the best interests of retail TV dealers, to unite members of the TV retailing industry in all lawful measures for its common good, and to those ends engage in any or all proper trade associations. Edwin A. Dempsey is executive director. EnGlnEERS— consuLTnnTS McNARY & WRATHALL RADIO ENGINEERS 906 Natl. Press Bldg. 1407 Pacific Ave. Washington 4, D. C. Santa Cruz, Cal. Member AFCCE I. W. ANDREWS, INC. RADIO CONSULTANTS 219 WHITAKER BLDG. DAVENPORT, IOWA Phone 2-7824 GEORGE P. ADAIR Radio Engineering Consultants EXecutive 1230 Executive 5851 1833 M STREET, N.W. * WASHINGTON 6. D. C. PRODUCTIOn PARADE