Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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R A D lO DIG E S T— Illustrated WIW Cincinnati. Ohio <422.3>n-;t0kc> 11 J. m serv..u; 4. choii B. musicale; WMAK N 1 .rss.Sm.mokc) 10:25 a. m. \VFBL: 7:50. service. lork. N. V. I340.7m-S80kc) 6 v. m. Ernie Golden and his Hotel 0, Monte Carlo orcbes WOO Philadelphia. Pa. ( 2:30 p. m. ses . c. orcan recital. K WPG Atlantic City. N. J. (299.Sm-1000kO 3:15 r. '" ■ il. Arthur Brook tmunits vocal mental rec -n orchestra: evei jueert, W Rt \\ .>shinston. D. C. (46S.Sm-640kO i I .1. m. . m. chai-c'; 7 20. WEAF; 9:1S. WEAK: M 12. \VSAI Cincinnati. Ohio (325.9m-920ltc) 11 a. m. scrv 5. WEAK \G Worcester. M»s. iS45.1tn-SS0l<c) 7:20 p. in. \\ EAI ; U EAF. WTAM Cleveland. Ohio (3S9.4m-770kc) 11 a m. serv enden hotel orchestra; iman theater orchestra: S. services; 9:15. WEAK: 1015. Austin Wylie's VocaUon Recording WWJ Detroit. Mich. l3S2-7m-S20kc) 10 a. in service; in. Detroit News rchestra: ■•. vesper service: 5, WEAK. Central Time Stations I Winnipeg. Can. (3S4.4m-780kc) 11 a. m Wesley ehurcr in. First English Lutheran church: B-l re hotel. KFAB Lincoln. Neb. t34tl.7m-8SOkcl 9-10 30 p. ID. KFNF Shenandoah. Iowa (461.3m-6S0kc) I0:4S a. in. scivicea m Seed House song service: 3. headliner: t en Rule 1 rde; 7:30. services. KLDS Independence. Mo. (440.9m-6S0kc> Jv.W .;. m Bible si Stow churcb; .t p. ni. Radio church; service. KMA Shenandoah. Iowa (461.3m-6S0kc) 4-5 J), m. K.MOX St Louis, Mo. (280.2m-l070kc) 9 p. m. Sun .. ballroom. KOIL Council Bluffs. Iowa (3O5.9m-980kc) 11 a. m. •. catiunat church; 7, children's hour; 7:30. Dean Nor/din and his orchestra: 11. Ambassadors. KPRC Houston. Texas (299.8tn-10O0kc) 7:30 p. m. church -:30. evening concert; 11, Texan the.* " • KSO Clarinda. Iowa (40S.2m-740kc) II a. m. M. E church. KTHS Hot Springs National Park. Ark. (374.8mSOOkci II a. ni.-U:15 p. m.. service; 9-9:45. Meyer ssic hour concert; 9:45-10:30, D Reid. organist; 10:30-11:30. Arkansas Traveler Radio Train. KVOO Bristow. Okla. (374.8m-800kc) 1-2 p. m. Walter . -:an. Doris Kintner: 5-6, Gospel hour: 6-7. : 7-9. services; 12-1, Melody KYW Chicago. 111. <S3S.4m-560kc) 11 a. m. Central church service; 4.30 p. m. Edwin Harper: 7-8:30, ay evening club; 9:30-11, classical concert. WBAP Fort Worth. Texas (47S.9m-630kc) 11 a. m. First Methodist : 5-6 p. m. vesper services. Baptist seminary: 9:30-11, Soriu-White Texas hotel orchestra. WBBM Chicago. 111. <226m-l330kc) S p. m. Coon► Sight Hawks: S:15. travel talk: 9-12. iroli :i-S:ninders orchestra. WCCO Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn. (416.4m-720kc) 10:50 a. m. services: 4:10 p. m. House of Hope :■ terian church; 6:20, Second Church of Christ, Scientist: 8:15. WEAF: 9:15. musical program, Chippewa Indians: 10:30. St Paul Municipal organ recital. Hugo Philler Goodwin. WDAF Kansas City. Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 3-4 p. m. orchestra; 4-4:45. vespers. WEBH Chicago. III. <370.2m-810kc) 5 p. m. Seventh Church r,i Christ Scientist; 5-6. twilight musicale; sram. WEMC Berrien Springs. Mich. (315.6tn-950kc) 11 a. m. red services; 8:15 p. m. chapel. WENR Chicago, III. (26S.3m-1130kc) 2-3 p. m. chapel Build the Best — Socket Power Devices —A and B Supply Devices Power Amplifiers Impedance Amplifiers And are best— For Filter Uses Rectifiers By Pass Blocking D. C. American made of best of materials to full capacity. All sizes and types. POTTER MFG. CO. North Chicago, III. hour of music: 3-4. classical program; 9:30 American Pioneers. WFAA Dallas. Texas (47S.9m-630kc) 6-7 p. m. Bible ," 30-8:30, service-; 8:30-9:30, artists: 11-12, orchestra WGBF Evansvllle. Ind. <23S.lm-1270kc) 7:30 p. m. services WGN Chicago. III. (3O2.8m-990kc) 6:45-7 p. m. Blackstone string quintet, solo artists: 7. The Million Sing: ."20. OKI Fashioned Almanack; 7:30. Drake concert ensemble: Correll and Gosden: 8, Auld Sandy: 8:15, WEAK: 9:15. Our Music Room; 10. Sam V Henry; 10:10. Armand Buisseret. violinist: 10:20. Bible reading; 10:30-11, Coon-Sanders orchestra. WHAD Milwaukee. Wis. <275.1m-1090kc) 3:15 p. m. Turnverein concert. WHAS Louisville, Ky. <399.8m-7S0kc) 10 a. in. services: 4:30-5:30 p. m. choral evensong. WHB Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 9:40 a. m. Linwnod Blvd. Christian church; 11:10-12:30. Independence Blvd. Christian church: 7-7:45, Dr. Burns A. Jenkins; 8-9. We-nvM Methodist church: 11:151, Morrill Moore, organist; Don Anchors, poet. WHO Des Moines, Iowa (526m-S70kc) 11 a. in. service; 5-6 p. in. Hankers Life Little symphony; 7:30-9. orchestra: 11-12. musical program. WHT Chicago. III. (399.8m-7S0kc) 1-12 midnight. Paul Rader. WJAZ Chicago. III. (329.5m-910kc) 4:30-9 p. m. Sim day evening concert. WJJD Mooseheart. III. (370.2m-810kc) 7:45-8:45 a. in. Catholic services: 9:30-10:30, Protestant services; 1-2 p. in. Howard Peterson, organist; 2-2:30. Bible class; 2:3<\ Sacred song service; 3-4. popular concert; 4-5. Palmer House Sunday symphony orchestra. WLIB Chicago. III. (302.8m-990kc) 5-6:15 p. m. Herbert Johnson, pianist: Leon Lichtenield. cellist; Tommy Coates. baritone; Blackstone string quintet. WLS Chicago. III. <344.6m-870kc) 10:45 a. in. University of Chicago service; 12:30. Elsie Mae Look, organist: 1:45-2:30, chapel service; 6-8, WLS Little Itrown church. WMBB Chicago. 111. (249.9m-1200kc) 3-6 p. m. Sunday afternoon concert: 7:40. church service; 9-11, Trianon orchestra, artists. WMC Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600kc) 11 a. m. church WOAW Omaha. Nebr. (S26m-S70kc) 9 a. in. Omaha Gospel tabernacle; 1:30 p. m. Father Flanagan's Boys' home period ; 9, chapel service. WOC Davenport, Iowa (483.6m-620kc) 1-2 p. rn. old iolks' musicale: 6:30-7. church service; 8:15-9:15, WEAF; 10-11, Palmer Little symphony. WORD Chicago, III. (Z75.1m-1090kc) 10 a. m. I. B. S. A. service: 2:30 p. m. Chicago Rapid Transit company program; 3:30. Bible lecture; 7. Webster hotel duo orchestra; 9, I. B. S. A. choral singers. WQJ Chicago. III. (447.5m-670kc) 10:45 a. m.-12:45 p. in. People's church: 5-6, musical program; 10-11. popular program; Rainbo Gardens orchestra; Jack Klein, Adelaide Kerkoff, Harry Geise. WSB Atlanta. Ga. (428.3m-700kc) 5 p. m. sacred concert; 8, services. , WSBC Chicago, III. (288.3m-1040kc) 5-7 p. m. Sunday concert; 9-10, concert; 10-1, New Jeffrey Tavern syncopators. WSKC Bay City, Mich. (260.7m-llS0kc) 11-12 noon services. WSM Nashville, Tenn. (282.8m-1060kc) 10:30 a. m. service. Mountain Time Stations KOA Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc) 10:30 a. m. church service; 7:45 p. m. church service. Daan P^ REPLACES J MESSY HYDROMETERS $1« NO RADIO OR AUTO COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE No more spoiling of carpets with acid. Battery Ga-Jit re s the rriessy acid spilling hydrom and tests your battery in a second. At Your Dealer's If he can't supply you send price and we will forward one postpaid. General Instrument Corporation 477 BROADWAY NEW YORK.USA STOPS IRADIO INTERFERENCE ON YOUR SET. SIMPLE AND EASY TO OPERATE NO TOOLS REQUIRED TO INSTALL, SIMPLY ATTACH YOUR AERIAL LEAD IN TO ONE OF THE LEADS ON THE LIMITATOR AND RUN THE REMAINING LEAD TO YOUR ANT. POST ON YOUR SET. Tkn U • mw hurUrmet eliminator that limit* tn« interfering atationl from •pleading all ever your tuning dial*. Il keep* them aeparated from interfering with each other, help* to barfatj out *ome nation* alronier. B-iilt v.ilh ihe new lype low-tou cyclone'coil, neally and •ubfLar.' «]!/ eooatraetcd, nothing frail, everything eneaaed. Don't confine with anything you ha-.e e-»er Ined. Wonderful for broad tuning aeta. Work* on any aerial encept a loop. Try The ZKING LIMITATOR2. BEST EVER OFFERED FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR | ■■■■■! MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED WITH RESULTS.M1I ARLINGTON RADIO MFG. CO. BOX 42 FIRESTONE PK. ST A. AKRON, OHIO PIN YOUR DOLLAR TO THIS AD. Priaf Yaw Vrr" «»> ,v Pacific Time Stations KFI Los Angeles. Calif. "(467m-642kc) 7-8 p. in. .lack Smith's dance orchestra: S-9. Aeolian organ recital; 9-10, Hoh Bottger's Venetians; 10-11. Packard Six dance orchestra. KFWB Hollywood. Calif. (2S2m-1090kc) 9-11 P. m. Warner Brothers Sunday night movie frolic KGO Oakland, Calif. (361.2m-830kc) 11 a. m. service: .2:45 p. m. symphony; 6:30-7:30i little symphony; 7:35, service: 9-10, symphony. KGW Portlapd, Ore. (491.5m-610kc) 11 a. m. church; 7:30-9 p. in. church; 9-10, symphony orchestra. KHJ Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2m-740kc) 7-8 p. m. service. First M. E. church: 8-10, Request program by Orpheus Four male quartet and Frederick MacMurrav. viola soloist. KMTR Hollywood, Calif. <370.2m-810kc) 6:30-7 p. m. Leila Castberg's half hour; 7-8, Cafe Lafayette string quartet ; 8-10, classical program. KNX Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m-S90kc) 6:30 p. m. service; 8, orchestra; 9, feature. KPO San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m-700kc) 6 p. m. States Restaurant orchestra: 6:35, Palace hotel concert orchestra: 8:35-10. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel concert orchestra. KPSN Pasadena. Calif. f315.6m-950kc) 10:30 a. m. Family Altar service. United Brotherhood. Sunday, silent night for: CKAC, CKNC, CNRA. CNRC. CNRE. CNRM, CNR0. CNRR, CNRT, CNRV, CNRW, KFDY, KFXF, KLX. KMA, KOB. KSWC, KWWG. WAHG, WCFL, WDAF, WEBJ, WFI, WGBF. WGHB, WGHP. WHAD, WHAS. WJJD, WJR. WLIT, WLWL. WMAQ, WMC. WNYC. WOI, WOO, WOOD, WOR, WSMB, WRVA, WSWS, WTIC. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 Headliners Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7 p. m. 6 5 4 WHN (361.2m-830kc) Movie club. 8 7 6 5 WHAZ (379.5m-790kc) Collar City djaartet. WTIC (475.9m-630kc) New Departure band. 8:10 7:10 6:10 5:10 WEAF (491.5m-610kc) Old Timers' concert. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 WRVA (256m-1170kc) The Mysterious Voice and artists. Guess Who? , 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 WHAZ (379.5m-790kc) Educational address. 8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WHAZ (379.5m-790kc) Calvin Dater. SS-year-old singer. 9 8 7 6 KFUO (S45.1m-SS0kc) "The Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom." Musicale. KOIL (305.9m-980kc) Inner Circle candy night. WHAZ (379.5m-790kc) Troy Junior symphony orchestra. WSM (282m-1060kc) Vocal recital. 9:10 8:10 7:10 6:10 WRVA (256m-1170kc) Acca Temple Shrine band. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KFAB (340.7m-870kc) Cowbell boys, violin and guitar. Orchestra. KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) Mabel Shearer, pianist. WBAP (475.9m-630kc) 9:30, "The Song Shop." a novelty request program, 10 9 KOIL (305.9m-980kc) "The Woman." play. KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) El D. O. K. K. 8 7 Strange Transient Tex temple band. Kit Panels With Gold Decoration FORMICA is this year providing amateurs through the leading jobbers and dealers, with handsomely decorated gloss black panels with gold decoration for the leading kits: Infradyne, Aerodyne, Bremer Tully Counterphase and Power Six; Browning Drake National; General Radio Universal; Victoreen Superheterodyne; Universal and Duo Dial; Madison Moore Superheterodyne ; Camfield Duoformer ; St. James 8 tube ; Karas Equamatic front and sub panels; and A. F. L. Nine-in-Line Superheterodyne. Manufacturers are using handsomely decorated Formica panels in dull finish, some of them in two colors. The FORMICA INSULATION COMPANY 4667 SPRING GROVE AVENUE CINCINNATI, OHIO Hear the FORMICA Orchestra Tuesday 9 to 10 over WLW ioRMlcS Made from Anhydrous Bakelite Resins SHEETS TUBES RODS Formica has a Complete Service on Insulating Material for Radio Manufacturers Keep Your Radio Tubes Like New/ MAKE OTStT? f *3^ Postage Prepaid Postage Prepaid Pat. Pend. Radio Tube Tester Operates from your radio batteries. Shows at once condition of tubes. Reads direct — no mathematics. Accurate. Guaranteed. Models for 201 A or 199 Tubes. Every set owner needs one. Send check or money order today. Radio Tube Vitalizer Operates from any 110 V socket, A.C. or D.C. Rejuvenates tubes perfectly or your money back. Simple to operate. Positive in results. Models for 201 A or 199 Tubes. No radio complete without one. Send check or money order. save-SPECIAL OFFER-save A complete, simple-to-operate laboratory to keep your tubes in first class condition — maximum results from your set every time! Kinds weak tubes and keeps them like new. Saves its cost in tubes. Worth double this special low price. Limited time offer. Sehd check or money order today. Be sure to state tubes used — 201 A or 199 type. Money cheerfully refunded in five days if not satisfactory in every way. Write NOW! Tube Tester and Vitalizer Prepaid to your home Electric Specialty Mfg. Co. 557 W. Monroe St., Chicago