Radio Digest (June 1932-Mar 1933)

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Radio Dk, r; s t OPPORTUNITIES are many for the Radio Trained MantS Don't spend your life slaving away in some dull, hopeless job! Don't be satisfied to work for a mere $20 or $30 a week. Let me show you how to get your start in Radio — the fastest -growing, biggest money -making game on earth. Jobs Leading to Salaries of $50 a Week and Up Prepare for jobs as Designer, Inspector and Tester — as Radio Salesman and in Service and Installation Work — as Operator or Manager of a Broadcasting Station — as Wireless Operator on a Ship or Airplane, or in Talking Picture or Sound Work— HUNDREDS of OPPORTUNITIES for a real future in Radio ! Ten Weeks of Shop Training We don't teach by book study. We train you on a great outlay of Radio, Tele ^^ vision and Sound equipment — on scores of modern Radio Receivers, huge ' ~" ' ' .rs. Broadcasting equipment, the very latest and newest Television apparatus, Talk / ing Picture and Sound Reproduction equipment, Code Practice equipment, etc. You don't need advanced education or previous experience. We give you — £S\f jL «* / RIGHT HERE IN THE COYNE SHOPS— the actual practice and experience * ^ ~-~ -■'-' J you'll need for your start in this great field. And because wecut out all useless theory and only give that which is necessary you get a practical training in 10 weeks. TELEVISION and TALKING PICTURES And Television is already here! Soon there'll be a demand for THOUSANDS of TELEVISION EXPERTS! The man who learns Television now can have a great future in this great new field. Get in on the ground-floor of this amazing new Radio development! Come to COYNE and learn Television on the very latest new Many Earn While Learning You get Free Employment Service for Life. And v-i don't let lack of money stop you. Many of our students make all or a good part of their living expenses while ' going to school and if you should need this help just :st write to me. Coyne is 32 years old ! Coyne Train ^— ing is tested— proven beyond all doubt. You can find out everything absolutely free. Just mail coupon for my big free book ! H. C. Lewis, Pres. RADIO DIVISION Founded 1899 COYNE Electrical School 500 S. Paulina St., Dept. A2-QH, Chicago, 111. est Television equipment. Talking Picture and Public Address Systems offer opportunities to the Trained Radio Man. Here is a great new Radio field just beginning to grow! Prepare NOW for these wonderful opportunities ! Learn Radio Sound Work at COYNE on actual Talking Picture and Sound Reproduction equipment. All Practical Work At COYNE In Chicago ALL ACTUAL, PRACTICAL WORK. You build radio sets, install and service them. You actually operate great Broadcasting equipment. You construct Television Receiving Sets and actually transmit your own Television programs over our modern Television equipment. You work on real Talking Picture machines and Sound equipment. You learn Wireless Operating on actual Code Practice apparatus. We don 't waste time on useless theory. We give you the practical training you'll need— in 10 short, pleasant weeks. Mail Coupon Today for All the Facts r™ I l I I I I Name Address I | City State. H. C. LEWIS, President Radio Division, Coyne Electrical School SOO S. Paulina St., Dtift.Az-oH, Chicago, 111. Dear Mr. Lewis:— Send me your Big Free Radio Book, ^nd all details of your Special Offer.