Radio revue (Dec 1929-Mar 1930)

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14 RADIO REVU E There are the never-to-be-forgotten "Gold Dust Twins" ; the inimitable "Happiness Boys," who are still struggling rather fruitlessly to re-establish themselves under a different name for commercial reasons ; the once-renowned "Record Boys," and Vaughn De Leath, the "original radio girl," who is now a headliner. There is "Roxy," the first radio matinee idol and all his "Gang," each of whom received a precious heritage in the form of the reputation he built for them in those early days of broadcasting. Few Stars in Radio Now Coming down to the present, there are only a few artists who may be considered as having reached the point of stardom. Directors do not "star" their performers any more than they can help and sustaining features are even more lax in this respect excepting where the Artist's Bureau rights must White The Gold . Dusi Twins, Harvey Hindermeyer and Earl Tuckeniian, Popular WEAF Duo When Radio Was Young be considered and then the artist is rarely more than identified by name. True it is that the element of time plays an important part in the artist's loss of exploitation. The air has few moments to spend in building up reputations in this way under the present system of arranging and presenting entertainment, which is why I believe the publicity expert could be of service, both to the artist and to the public . . . not the press agent who creates stories, but the trained specialist who discovers stories. And to go a step further in drawing the picture of the day when radio artists shall have come into their own, I would include the oft-suggested "Equity" association, for their own protection. If radio is to survive as an art, it must do so by "hitching its wagon to a star" as all other amusement lines have done before it ! A Sonnet to the I nstrument International By ALICE REMSEN Flung to the four winds of the earth Music and song, comedy and drama, Rhythm and melody, words of precious worth, Picked up from space by urbanist or farmer. Awaiting the touch of an armchair explorer — Tubes, magic wires and batteries unending, Out from the box of this up-to-date Pandora Things good, things bad, continually are sending, From here to anywhere, from pole to pole, Think of the marvel, the glory and the wonder Of that space-flung voice, that ether-riding soul, Adapted by man from out Jehovah's thunder! Composed of elements intangible, still in embryo, The latest implement of man that men call — radio.