Radio revue (Dec 1929-Mar 1930)

Record Details:

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JANUARY, 19 3 0 31 Turned to Singing After Accident Frank Munn (Paul Oliver) Tenor, was Injured While Working as a JS/lechanic Y¥7 HEN the United States entered the World War, Frank Munn *" was assigned to duty in a shipyard as an expert mechanic. His beautiful, untrained voice was first heard at the shipyard patriotic exercises. One day on the job he met with a serious accident. His hand was so badly injured that he was compelled to forego mechanical work. While he was in the hospital, he was visited by Dudley Buck, noted voice teacher. Mr. Buck offered to train him for the concert stage. Frank accepted. After several years he was given a chance to make phonograph records, and was eminently successful. His next step was into radio broadcasting, and he is now exclusive tenor soloist on the Palmolive Hour, NBC. Frank is modest and unassuming, despite his success.