Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1941)

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Drug Products HEALTH DISCOVERIES "From the first broadcast, we received numerous inquiries and several orders from druggists and health food stores. Calwhey sales through jobbing outlets and direct sales have increased over 800% during our first six months on the air," C. L. Neubert, M.D. The C ahull ey Company San Francisco, Calif. AIR FAX: Dramatic conflict adds the punch in every health discovery narrative. Writer-narrator Frank Wright ranges his subjects from the Neanderthal man's arthritis to the discovery of sulphanilamide. Dealer good Avill is obtained and sales are upped by mention in the commercials of concerns carrying CALWHEY. Example: A leading San Francisco drug concern reported a sales pick-up from 3 1/6 dozen to five gross per month in a brief period. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 4:00-4:15 P.M. Preceded By: Show of the Week (MBS). Followed By: Musical. Competition: News, Prof. Puzzlewit. Sponsor: Calwhey Company, makers of Calwhey (aids intestinal ailments, high blood pressure, underweight) . Station: KFRC, San Francisco, Calif. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 629,553 (1940). Agency: Theodore H. Segall Advertising Agency. COMMENT: If you can make your product the subject of an entertaining radio program, the sales value of your radio time will be immeasurably increased. Health Discoveries gives sponsor Calwhey an additional advantage: In the public's mind, Calwhey is linked with the brilliant health discoveries related on the program. Furs SHOPPING CIRCLE "We have used the Shopping Circle over KDKA for quite some time. The program extended invitations to many women to visit our factory and actually see fur coats in production, as well as to acquaint them with our fine quality furs. "We feel this purpose has been accomplished to a great extent, particularly in the western part of the state and surrounding states. The increased number of inquiries, as well as sales, from that section of the country, shows this program has many listeners who are interested in Clearfield Furs." S. K. Williams President Clearfield Taxidermy Co. Clearfield, Pa. AIR FAX: Employee representatives in many surrounding towns make personal calls on prospects obtained from the broadcasts. Capable Janet Ross conducts a friendly, informal program on home furnishing and decoration, fashions, shopping, travel. parties. Frequent fillip is an interview with a visiting celebrity or a review of an outstanding book. Broadcast Schedule: Monday thru Friday, 9:00-9:15 A.M. (Clearfield Furs, every Tuesday.) Preceded By: Ma Perkins (NBC dramatic serial). Followed By: Linda's First Love. Competition: Polly Malone; Yours Sincerely. Sponsor: Clearfield Taxidermy Co. (manufacturing furriers ) . Station: KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 665,384 (1940). COMMENT: Located in a town with a population of 10,000, Clearfield Taxidermy Co. seeks big city volume by advertising on a big city radio station. It's unusual, but it has succeeded! Groceries TONIGHT'S BEST BUYS "We first tested our program on two stations in the spring of 1938. The idea blossomed into a definite schedule of 15 Pacific Coast stations during the fall and early winter of the same year, and the scope was then increased to 22 stations in 1939 when a definite spring and fall schedule was arranged. "This year (1940) we have made even greater use of these broadcasts, the daytime shows running from March 28 through November 29, and the nighttime shows (Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles) continuing throughout the entire 52 weeks of the year! "Our opinion of the sales effectiveness of these broadcasts is reflected in the steadily increasing use we have made of them. More factual is the record of returns received through the stations as the result of merchandising offers and contests conducted by us in the last few years. These have been more than gratifying. "In the final analysis, Folger's Coffee sales (and distribution) have been growing by leaps and bounds since the broadcasts first were aired. 1940 will see the largest total volume of Folger^s Coffee sales in our 90year history!" Porter F. Anderson Advertising Manager J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco, Calif. AIR FAX: Stiff competition to the local newspaper's classified want ad section is this novel audience participation program. Anyone with anything to sell may telephone the station. Operators receive the calls, announcers relay the information to the radio audience. Five-minute daytime counterpart is Today's Best Buys for which sale information must be mailed instead of telephoned. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 5:30-5:45 P.M. Preceded By: Bob Andersen. Followed By: Bob Andersen; News. JANUARY, 194 25