Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1942)

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10:30 A.M.; Saturday, 10:15-10:45 A.M. Preceded By: Treat Time. Followed By: Bright Horizotis. Sponsor: Carey Salt, Crete Mills, Sawyer Biscuit Co., Blue Barrel and Spark Soap (Haskins Bros.), Northwestern Yeast Co., Hi-Lex Co., others. Station: WMT, Waterloo, la. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 54,300. COMMENT: Set-up here produces 77iaximum mail-pull with minimum expense and effort. AVhile shows of this kind are not the only type of program which appeals to women, the fact remains that they do sell merchandise. Groceries COOKIES FOR ROOKIES Sugar rationing notwithstanding, the sweet-tooth of the men in the armed services is turning kitchen drudgery into patriotic duty. Housewives the country over spend leisure time whacking-up cookies, other tidbits for away-from-home service men. AVhen wholesale grocers, Bursley & Co., took on participating sponsorship of Jane \Veston's Modern Home Forum over A\^OWO, Fort Wayne, Ind., it offered a mimeographed batch of cookie recipes. Special recommendation: cookies were designed to stand up under the abuses of mailing, etc. Grand total of requests in an eight day period: 1,451! Hook: recipes plug Little Elf flour, icing powder, corn flakes, other Bursley & Co. products. To keep its colors flying, keep the army cookie-jar filled, sponsor offers weekly prizes for Cookies for Rookies. Entrant has only to mail a package containing home-made food to anyone in the U. S. Military Service. Best appreciation letter or card from the soldier or sailor recipient earns the cook an electric Cory Glass Coffee Maker. To ten other women who turn their thank-you letters over to Jane AVeston go pound packages of Little Elf Coffee. AVinners are announced every Tuesday and Friday. AIR FAX: Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:30-10:00 A.M. Preceded By: Helen Hiett. Followed By: Second Husband. Sponsor: WOWO, Fort Wayne, Ind. Power: 10,000 watts. Population: 117,246. COMMENT: Here is another bit of evidence to chalk up to the success of the established women's participating show. Showmanship is undoubtedly one of the elements which contributed to this A-1 campaign. MINNEAPOLIS' GREAT $175 ( PIR PERSON Think of it! All the stream* lined facilities of this modern hotel are yours for only $1.75 per person, double. Every room is fireproof . . . outside . . . newly decorated . . . tastefully furnished . . . innerspring mattresses . . . full length mirrors. Excellent dining rooms, popular priced coflfee shop. A step from the loop, yet close to everything in Minneapolis. Other rates begin at $2.50 single. 24.HOUR CAR STORAGE 50c FREE PICKUP DELIVERY E. WILLIAM BENSON Pr«i(d«ir/-G«H7 Mgr, THOMAS C. KNAPf W»tld»wt A(0r. HOTEL lOMi STREET AT 3rd AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS • MINNESOTA NOVEMBER, 1 942 393