Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1943)

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CONTENTS DECEMBER 1943 VOL. 4 NO. 12 Editorial Advisory Board Radio Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlass William Dolph Don D. Campbell Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp j. Harold Ryan Neiv York Chicago Washington Birmingham Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Toledo Business Dr. Harry Dean Wolfe Washington, D. C. Lorenzo Richards Ogden, Utah GusTAv Flexner Louisville J. Hudson Huffard Bluefield, Va. Maurice M. Chait Peoria, III. Frank J. Ryan Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knowles Cleveland Staff Publisher-Editor Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Published by Showmanship Pubhcations, Minneapohs 2, Minn. Subscription rate: $2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspondence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1943 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. Modern Bread Romance 401 Norman Frankel Radio prop for Columbia Bakin<; Co., .Atlanta, Ga., writes the radio tlircctor of the Freitag Advertising Agency. Sell Store to Sell All 403 Walter Grosscup Station-store cooperation the secret of radio siiccess for Lit Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., writes its executive vice president. Tap Room Ballads 406 Jack and Mary Fenter Jingles keep cash till jingling for the Huh Cafe, Col ton. Cal., writes iis owners. Radio Awards of Merit 408 An RS Analysis Awards for outstanding radio merchandising and showmanship campaigns. Radio Food for Thought 412 R. W. Byerly Coordinated Super \'alu ad campaign huilds week end sales writes the manager of Winston .^ Newell Co.. Des Moines, la. Airing the New 415 New radio programs. What the Program Did for Me 418 Achertisers gi\e residts aiul reactions. Proof O' the Pudding 419 Results from radio. Johnny on the Spot 421 Spot announcement campaigns. The Idea FUe 422 Programs reviewed in RS this past year. Year-End Index 429 Program classification hv business. DECEMBER, 1943 399