Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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T¥> oUonest Abe Was Right; / by DICK FOWLER Admanager Radio Plus Honest Selling Put Sid's Furniture Mart on the Map IT was in 1933 that Sidney Ardman opened his furniture store in ParkersInn g. \V. Va. For about four years he went along enjoying a good trade, yet he was not expanding his business as he wished. Then one day Sid happened to come across a saying of Abraham Lincoln's, "The Lord niiLst have loved the common people because he made so many of them." Pursuing this thought, Sid decided that there must be enough of these common people to give him the volume of business he woidd like to have, and ihat the best way to reach these people was over radio. Consequently he bought time on WPAR. That was in 1937. 12 His first radio program, The Farm and Home Hour was a half-hour daily program made up of down-to-earth fun and music. Sometimes sponsor and station management wonder whether we made the Farm and Hotne Hour or whether the Farjn and Home Hour made us successful. But since it is working so well both ways, neither cares. Talent consists of the Burroughs Family Trio; brother, Charles, now also a regular A\TAR staff announcer, and his sisters, Billie [can and Hetty. The entire comnuuiity lo\es these Burroughs "kids." It's not only listened but also watched them grow in radio prestige in the Ohio Valley. And the Burroughs RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P J