Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1944)

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Here it comes! THE BRILLIANT, SCINTILLATING "PLEASURE PARADE" • IRVING MILLER'S ORCHESTRA / Write, luire or phone FREDERIC W. ZIV INCORPORAl ED 2436 READING RD , CINCINNATI, OHIO RADIO DOLLARS (Co)Uinu('(l jvom Ixigc ^O'^) sc'i\ alive and most suctesslul achertiseis in tho coimtry. Of the advertisers spending a nn'llion or more in radio, magazines and newspapers, the hngest expenditure was made in network radio. Yon will find that broadcasters are an enlightened group. Most ol them ha\e a weakh of material which will hel}) you not only in the selection of the })roper type of program, the proper time for the program, and the proper length of yom advertising campaign, bin likewise in merchandising both the program and yoin^ product. Each station lias its own co\'erage map and although those ma})s are not in e\'ery case based upon the same standards, vou will find almost Avithout excej^tion that they represent an honest effort on ilie part of the station oAvner or manager to represent his area of inlluence which \()u (an uiih/e in yotu' own business. My advice is that e\en in the case where a powerful station outside of yoiuconnnunitv may be listened to more on the axcrage than \()iu o\vn local station, that iniless your marketing area extends l:)eyond the influence of your local station, you should buy locally l)ecause the influence of voui own local station vou will find, paiticularh in the earh morning hours, is far greatc-r than the influciHc of an\ outside station. 1 realize that I ha\e dealt in main generalities, it \vould be impossible to (io otherwise. It no\v becomes an indixidiial problem foi each achcrtiser to aclaj)! an\ informal ion which ina\ ha\e l)ccn of \;iliic lo his own pailiciilai siluaI ion. • 430 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP