Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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• Byron Nelson, mechanical man of golf, tells Henry Benac, announcer for FM station WBCA, Schenectady, N. Y., how he was ible to win ten of the last eleven tournaments in which he played. Harold (Jug) McSpaden, runnerup in many of these tourneys, offers silent testimony. Interview was recorded GENERAL ELECTRIC magnetic wire recorder, a 35-pound playback and recording unit now being used by many stations for delayed broadcasts. When there is no longer any use for the recording, sound and speech can be wiped off the wire magnetically. f I Street scene in Louisville, Ky., courtesy WILLS SALES, JEWELERS. (For story, see Showmanship in Action, p. 29.) • News Plus a Style Quiz for Men is what JUSTER BROS., Minneapolis, Minn., men's clothiers, offers KSTP listeners thrice weekly. Listeners who contribute questions on men's styles that are answered on the show receive ^2.50 neckties. Store window display here is a reproduction of a mailing piece originally designed by the station as promotional backing for the radio series. JANUARY, 1946 • 21 •