Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1946)

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care. Commercials are incorporated into the progi-am itself. Example: "When you bring the baby home from the hospital, you can expect the house to be in a state somewhere between a tornado and a hero's homecoming celebration, so it's best to hare every detail of household re-arrangement planned in advance. The nurse should be hired and waiting to take over, and of course, all the essential equipment must be in working order. You know approximately when the big day will be, so make arrangements for a regular diaper service ahead of time. No one thing pleases that precious nurse more than the news that doing laundry is not her department. The Alamo Royal Baby Laundry, at 103 East Fredericksburg, offers a new time-andwork-saving service to young mothers of San Antonio. It's a quick, reliable, and safe laundry for your infants' and children's clothes. All the work is done on the premises, and is carefully supervised by experts, who make sure each dainty dress, each package of diapers, is returned to you in perfect condition. All your diapers are sterilized, too, in a sanitary manner approved by doctors." Program commentator, Mrs. Kay Miller, a member of the Herald Advertising Co. staff, handles both program content and commercials, presents the tips on child care in a chatty, informal manner. Merchandising tie-in: listeners are offered a copy of a new booklet, Modern Baby, free for the asking. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: June 25, 1945. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 11:30-11:35 A.M. Preceded By: Morton Downey. Followed By: Record Show. Sponsor: Alamo Royal Baby Laundry. Station: KM AC, San Antonio, Tex. Power: 250 watts. Population: 276,874. Agency: Herald Advertising Co. COMMENT: A program need be neither elaborate nor costly to do a successful selling job for an advertiser. Here, the direct tie-up between the editorial content of the program and the service offered made for program unity that gave the advertising campaign that much greater effectiveness. Through the correct selection of program, time and station, the advertiser can beam his program lo the specific audience he wants to rcatli. Men's Wear THE JOB REPORTER As a direct resufl ol (ollaboraiion among tlie Bowman Kj 1>i.(k;k Ai)ViRiisi.\(; Agency, the Bue EAI.O l^ROADCASriNG CORPORATION SalcS staff and Ki.einiians, largest store lor men and boys in Buffalo, N. Y., a new series of radio programs, designed to aid the reconversion program has been instituted on WGR. ■ Known as The Job Reporter, the pub ' lie service feature is intended to help speed the re-employment of displaced \\ar-workers and returned servicemen. To give job seekers a jump on employment opportunities, The Job Reporter is heard each morning at 8:30, Monday through Friday. W'GR's Max Robinson conducts the program, Avhich has a direct tie-in with the Buffalo United States Employment Service. Each day, with the cooperation of Leo V. Sweeney, director of the Buffalo USES, Robinson is furnished with a list of the best employment opportunities. From these, ten of the most attractive are selected for broadcast. Interspersed through the daily 15minute broadcast are three commercials of a strictly institutional nature, plus two nuisical recordings, all of which give the prospective workers a chance to copy down names and references. Kleinhans presents The Job Reporter as a public service, feeling that the resumption of employment at an early date is desirable for returned servicemen and displaced war-workers, for their own sakes, that of their families and of the entire community. Sid White, advertising manager of Kleinhans, announces that information received from the USES office indicates that a number of men have already been re-employed as a direct result of their help-wanted service, despite the fact that the show had been on the air for a comparati\ely short time. AIRFAX: Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8:30-8:45 A.M. Sponsor: Kleinhans Company. Station: WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 613,506. A}^cncy: Bowman c3l lilock Adv. Agcy. COMMENT: ll's business as usual, but advertisers who ic'(()giii/e their social resj)onsibility lo connnunity life, do somelliing aboiU it, earn customer good will whidi is essential for fuliire business ex])ansion and survival. • 24 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP