Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1950)

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I Daily brushing, with a generous application of elbow grease, is the best beauty aid for shin ing, attractive hair Learn to brush your hair and massage your scalp every day. Apply a good cream dressing for lubrication and a smooth finish. If you are faithful in your treatments, you will be able to see a definite difference in practically no time at all. Once your hair is back in condition, concentrate on a new coiffure. Study pictures of various hair styles, and then adapt the one that seems to be the best for you. Consider both your face and your figure before you make any decision. Pin curl your hair as often as is necessary between shampoos (give your hair a home permanent, if it needs it) , and don't be discouraged if your hair doesn't look professionally set at first. The longer you practice, the more skilled you will become. Won't you join Doris in her daily hair beauty routine? You can't afford to miss her advice, if you truly want to keep your head above the crowd. By DORRY ELLIS COul -u<mo aJLvOJULS jL(^^1o"Jj^/C' Suddenly, breathtakingly, you'll be embraced . . . held . . . kissed. Perhaps tonight. Be sure that you are always lovely to love; charming and alluring. Your deodorant may make the difference. That's why so many lovely girls depend on FRESH Cream Deodorant. Test FRESH against any other deodorant — see which stops perspiration . . . prevents odor better! FRESH is different from any deodorant you have ever tried — creamier, more luxurious, and really effective! ggi fK& ofOOOfiW por head-to-toe protection, use new FRESH Deodoranc Bath Soap. Used regularly, it is 20 times as effective as ^^^ other type soap in preventing body perspiration odor, yet mild and gentle. K M 13