Radio and television mirror (Nov 1939-Apr 1940)

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TEETHING PAINS QHf.\ Wi HEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved promptly. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist, contains no narcotics and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. BuyDr.Hand'sfromyour druggist today Just rub it on the gums DR. HANDS TEETHING LOTION rBITlinillB COnilOrt reSe/yoJ feel when you use Stirizol. It brings cool, soothing and refreshing feminine comfort and helps relieve irritations and unpleasant burning. At Drug & Department ^At m! -iJ Sto^s. MadeatOssining, N.Y. ^jUTLZQl-. IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH OR PAINT— Write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. FEDERAL SCHOOLS, INC. Dept. RM-20. Minneapolis, Minn. FREE ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted, we will beautifully enlarge any snapshot, photo, Kodak picture, print or negative to 5x7 inches FREE — it' you enclose this ad with 10c for return mailing. Informsition on hand tinting in natural colors and framing sent immediately. Your original returned with your free enlargement. Look over your pictures now and send your favorite snapshot or negative today. DEAN STUDIOS. Dept. 35. 211 W 7th St.. Des Moines. Iowa. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pints of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pints of bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Amazing in making bile flow freely. For a FREE trial supply of Carter's Little Liver Pills, send your name and address on a penny postcard to Carter's, 335 West 42nd Street, New York City. Or ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. 10^ and 25tf at all drug stores. Stubbornly refuse anything else. mabch, 1940 ebb and flow of movement, that makes it so. Pace in singing is much the same sort of thing. You delay the opening of a phrase, and then hurry over it with an effort of excitement; you dwell on an important word, and then hurry over the casual words which follow, and you use many other devices, all with the idea of getting away from woodenness to the conversational, personal intimacy of the interesting rendition. But remember that using a trick of Pace without a good reason for it is Schmaltz. And Schmaltz is vocal hokum— that exaggeration of expression which frankly appeals to the listeners' emotion. It reached its alltime height in Jolson's "Sonny Boy," in singing which he dropped to his knees, stretched out his arms, and throbbed his sobbing, breaking, despairing, behind-the-beat tremolo until the aisles ran with tears. Build up an applause-inviting ending. The intensity of your applause is the outward measure of your success as an entertainer. Applause comes at the end of your number. Therefore, the ending of the song is where you must bid for that applause. An effective ending has two fundamentals: climax and finality. To be climactic, the ending must top anything and everything that has gone before. It may be louder, or softer, or higher in pitch, or more emotional, or it may even contain some element of surprising novelty; but it must be a "topped." The most common ending is loud and high. It's most common because it's the safest. Your very vitality infects the audience and their stimulation reaches such a pitch that it finally spills over in frantic applause. True, an ending which fades a soft song into dreamlike nothingness can be equally effective, but only if you're a clever artist and everything is perfectly staged. It's risky. ONE common problem remaining to be mentioned is the revamping of a male lyric so it can be sung by a girl, and vice versa. As a rule, you simply change he to she, boy to girl and so on, but do not alter important words to fit this need, especially rhyming words, because then the change is so noticeable that it's offensive. If a written lyric can't be unobtrusively re-sexed, sing it as written and nobody will mind; most girl singers did the rampantly male "Change Partners" successfully with no lyric change whatever. Dependence upon Special Arrangements is an admission of weakness. You say, in effect, "I'm not good enough to put this song across as written; I'll have to prop myself up with tricks." It isn't arrangements you need, it's to build up your delivery technique. Special arrangements can never substitute for honest ability, they can only serve now and then to highlight and bring it out. Here is my personal idea of a good arrangement: It must be simple, comprehensible, honest, and straightforward. It's a plan; a campaign designed to most effectively put over a song. It does things only for reasons, and is natural and unassuming to such a degree that it almost isn't an "arrangement" at all. When a singer marks an ordinary song copy with his simple routine, lines up the phrasing, paces a few spots and plans to bring out a few TO WOMEN AFMID TO DYE THEIR OWN HAIR! FOR YEARS, many women have been afraid to dye their own hair. There have been many reasons — fear of dangerous dyes, fear that it is too difficult, fear that the dye will destroy your hair's natural lustre and sheen. And fear, most of all, that every one will know your hair is "dyed"! How needless these fears! Today you can buy at your drug or department store a coloring preparation, with a money-back guarantee, that will give you beautiful results. Gradually it transforms gray, bleached or faded hair to the shade you desire . . . does it so perfectly that your closest friends won't guess. Pronounced a harmless hair dye, this preparation will not interfere with waving or the natural sheen of your hair. It's easy to use — if you can comb your hair, you can't go wrong! Although Mary T. Goldman Hair Coloring Preparation has proved itself for forty years in millions of cases, we do not ask you to take our word. Send us a 2 inch lock of your hair, containing both the gray and natural shade, if possible. We will color it for you without charge, and return it to you with a complete free test kit so that you can make the same test yourself and compare your results with ours. If you prefer, you need not send the lock of hair to obtain the free test kit. MARY T. GOLDMAN GRAY HAIR COLORING PREPARATION Sold only through drug and department stores Marv T. Goldman Co. . Minn. Name Address " ...Statedly PINS 305. RINGS Fine: ■III, 300 Write tor our attractive tree catalof a bi'autilul pin or ring lor )0ur ill Dept. J. METAL ARTS CO Int. S QUALITY II COSMETICS I Pay Jl* .ovelineii Look for the handy Self-Help Counter Displays of laymon's Beautifiers on the counters of Drug and other neighborhood stores. New, alluring shades in Lipstick, Rouge, Powder and Nail Polish. Tested and approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. Beautifully designed, generously sized packages. Extra valu*tl fact P0W0t« llrSTKK N«ll rOUIX WORLD'S PRODUCTS CO., Spencer, Ind. 77