Radio today (Apr-Dec 1939)

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New Franchise since 19301 Men, money, merchandise, plants and distributors fall in line under the Farnsworth banner. E. A. Nicholas assembles an executive staff of veterans . . . E. H. Vogel maps general policies, plans and products ... J. P. Rogers whips the Marion plant into an orderly, smooth, efficient production unit . . . Philo -T. Farnsworth guides his staff to perfect present developments that assure modern, advanced television products. Engineers move in. B. Ray Cummings assigns design specialists to a dozen development programs . . . J. H. Pressley's fast-moving staff goes on a 24-hour day schedule creating Farnsworth radios and combinations. . . . Madison Cawein heads a select group into action on television receivers. R. C. Jenkins assembles his production lines and a skilled factory organization . . . F. B. Ostman lines-up service policies and plans. A sales force swings into action with E. H. McCarthy, R. E. Kane, Dean Lewis and E. J. Dykstra in the field discussing Farnsworth franchises with alert distributors. Already forward-looking distributors from over 50 leading territories have requested an opportunity to discuss this most important new franchise available since 1930! The program . . . Farnsworth radios, combinations and television sets for early Fall selling . . . backed with complete advertising and sales promotion plans. FARNSWORTH TELEVISION & RADIO CORPORATION Plants at Fort "Wayne and Marion, Indiana Headquarters: 3700 East Pontiac Street, Fort Wayne The History of Television is the History of Farnsworth VISI \AY. 1939