TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1963)

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LUCILLE BALL (Continued from page 36) if lunch was to be served. "Not till Mr. Morton arrives," the star replied simply. It was at this juncture that Lucy was asked if she felt she'd paid a high price for love and a happy marriage. "It's not a swapshop," retorted Lucy. "You don't say to life, 'I'll trade you this for that ... or this is my top price for happiness, take it or leave it.' But you understand, if you've got any sense about the world, that there's some penalty attached to everything you get. When I divorced Desi, I was terribly upset. I was unhappy and wanted to rid myself of the awful aching. In doing this, I had to pay the price of breaking up my family, of causing a split in the normal life of my children and, of course, there was another penalty for freedom — of attracting the spotlight of publicity and news to myself. It wasn't hard to realize this would happen, but it was a choice I had to make. I felt it was worth it." She crinkled her brow meditatively. "And when I met Gary and fell in love with him — I'd had enough experience to know there would be consequences if we got married. New problems, adjustments, they come with every marriage. Again I felt Gary was worth it, and I acted accordingly." "A small price to pay . . ." Lucy flung an arm out to point to the door. "There's your answer. I've paid a mighty small price in comparison to what I've got for it in the way of love, consideration and happiness." Following her gesture toward the door, the reporter saw a tall (sixfour), sportily but elegantly dressed man who managed to look both interesting and interested at the same time. This was Gary Morton, comedian, businessman and husband of Lucille Ball. He held up a box and announced enthusiastically, "I got it . . . just like mine in his size." After introductions, he explained that "it" was a sport jacket just like his that young Desi had admired. With a throaty tenderness Lucy was saying, "Children are the best judges of adults. My Lucy is only twelve and Desi's only ten, but they went for Gary from the start. I'd also like to point out there's plenty of truth to the old saying 'Mother knows best.' My mother, who is never one to give away advice unless it's asked for three times, told me without my asking that I'd be a fool not to marry 'that sweet, kind, easygoing, wonderful Gary Morton.' She said if I didn't snatch him up, some other gal would. I reminded her that a second marriage was the farthest thing from my mind. I'd had it. 'And besides,' I added, 'another marriage would bring me face-toface with more adjustments and responsibilities.' She snorted at me, 'After all your unhappiness, who are you to quibble about a little bother if it means getting the right man?' " Gary winked. "It was the same with me. I said to myself, 'Gary Morton, who are you to turn down a mother-in-law ; PARADE FASHIONS \13I3 W. Randolph fc"' Chicago 7, III. «» a neat pair ' of partners! 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