TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1963)

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to win Renata's love over the long pull. But, these friends also emphasized: "For nearly a year, Bob romanced Renata but never proposed marriage — and Renata is the marrying kind. She probably became disillusioned and disenchanted with Bob — after Eddie came along and threw himself at her the way he did." Despite all of Eddie's rushing tactics, as recently as early July it seemed Renata still belonged to Bob. For Renata flew with Bob to Las Vegas to spend the weekend of the Fourth in the gambling paradise. They both stayed at the Riviera, then flew back together on the same jet to New York. But, a fortnight later, lissome Renata boarded another jet and flew back to Vegas — to join Eddie, who had just opened at the Desert Inn Hotel. What made Renata abandon Bob for Eddie so swiftly and suddenly? "Marriage," the answer came from Las Vegas. "Eddie told Renata exactly what she wanted to hear : 'I love you and I want to marry you.' And that won Renata heart and soul for Eddie." It made not one iota of difference to Eddie that another of his lovely girlfriends— Ann-Margret — was in town during Renata's solo return. Eddie had eyes only for the German model and, during her stay here, they were inseparable. Ann-Margret, who had come on the scene to shoot sequences for "Viva Las Vegas," with Elvis Presley, never saw Eddie. And to think that, only a few short months before, Ann-Margret was the biggest thing in Eddie's life! No sooner were the details of the foregoing goings-on recorded in the press than Eddie came along with a denial of the story that he and Renata planned to marry. He issued the customary and tired statement : "We're just very good friends." But Eddie's and Renata's actions spoke louder than mere words. Renata became a nightly visitor at the Desert Inn, where Eddie would have her brought by car and seated at a very special private table up front— a table for one. And as Eddie sang, he would look only at Renata — just as he once did when he sang his love ballads directly to Liz. Immediately after Eddie left the stage, Renata would slip away from the table, enter the waiting car, and away she'd go. "If that doesn't prove a passionate interest in each other," said one friend, "then I don't know what love is." Love is one thing, though, and marriage is another. Yet one usually leads to the other and, from past performance, one could safely conclude that Eddie is the marrying kind. Of course there was one force to deter Eddie from marrying Renata at the time. Elizabeth Taylor. For Eddie was still married to Liz, though, as he himself pointed out, he was scheduled to spend enough time in Nevada this summer and early fall to establish residence for divorce. By the time you read this, Eddie will probably POST GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NURSING Room 9X103 — 121 S. Wabash, Chicago 3, III. 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