TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1959)

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Who Said Ranch Style ? Vint Bonner, that Restless Gun, wouldn't recognize this home on the range. But it's just perfect for the John Paynes — and could easily set a new pattern for family living Privacy's a luxury, for a man like John Payne. As star, executive producer and sometimes writer of The Restless Gun, he rises early, works late. But John wants to be with his family, too. Solution? Two homes in one, high in the Pacific Palisades. One, a completely separate apartment for John and his wife Alexandra . . . bedroom, bath, dressing room, book-lined den. The other, the main house . . . living room, kitchen, dining and play areas, bedrooms for their children — Kathleen and Tom — and their housekeeper. Between the two units lies the pool, which — like all the landscaping and architecture — looks almost as though it had grown naturally out of its surroundings. Like Restless Gun's hero, Vint Bonner, John Payne's home is quiet, unpretentious, but obviously more than equal to any and every occasion. Continued w The Restless Gun, NBC-TV, Mon., 8 P.M. EST, is sponsored by Procter & Gamble Co. (Jif Peanut Butter and other products) and Sterling Drug Inc. (Bayer Aspirin and other products). Free-form pool — where dad races his young 'uns — divides the Payne home In two parts. In main living room (below), son Tom, 10, sports authentic Restless Gun outfit; John, Alexandra and dauahter Kathleen. 12, prefer casual comfort of modern dress.