Radio-TV mirror (July-Dec 1954)

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Marion takes a house at the shore. "Animals are really a passion with me," she says. "I'd love to do a children's TV show and just have a lot of pets around to talk about and let the kids meet." It makes sense that there are a lot of animals in Marion's dreams. But whether her dreams make sense is another matter. She can't interpret them, and has never invited a psychologist to try. The cause of the dreams may be rooted more deeply than the mind — perhaps waist-deep, in the vicinity of her digestive tract. Marion is young and has a young appetite which relishes hot peppers, cheese, Italian sausages, caviar, pastrami, bologna. She has a standing order with a grocer for these and other delicacies, plus six quarts of milk, for weekends when she eats at home. And so — she has dreams. One dream has been recurring since her childhood. ("It's like one of those old movies on television that you see over and over again, so often that you can't tell it from the wallpaper.") The dream starts off with a pinpoint of light on one corner of the screen. The light moves center and suddenly bursts into a magnificent crystal chandelier filled with hundreds of brilliant candles. Marion is suspended above the chandelier staring down into the ballroom of a huge castle where ladies in billowy gowns and men in red and white dress uniforms dance. Marion descends lightly — in the manner of a helicopter — and, the moment her toes touch the floor, she is in the arms of a tall, handsome prince. ("I just know he's handsome," she says, "although I can't see his face.") They dance and dance, and he laughs and laughs. She loves his laugh. The violins are playing "Lover," and they stick to the melody. Then Marion's prince leads her through a velvet portiere and down a huge banquet hall past gleaming silver and huge stuffed turkeys and piles of pastrami and bowls of hot peppers. He leads her to a fireplace so big that it seems a whole tree would fit in. "Then he takes my hand and the mist is just about to clear from his face and reveal his identity — when I wake up. I don't know who he is. The only identification I have is his laugh." Once, in public, she told Arthur about the dream, and concluded, "I'd know him anywhere by his laugh." They say it was terrifying for the following month. Strange men would walk by Marion, make with a hearty guffaw and then pause tensely, waiting for recognition. None of them was a prince. They say it sounded as though a lot of hyenas had broken out of a zoo. JVlarion has had that dream maybe thirty-five or forty times in her life. It's romantic and well orchestrated, so she has always enjoyed it. But Marion's favorite dream is set in a jungle. The color is scorching, with bright greens and boiling yellows and the hot tropical sun. Marion has the lead, of course, and, in the manner of Tarzan, all of the animals are her friends: the elephants, tigers, lions, monkeys and even a three-year-old chimp. Marion, herself, walks around in a genuine leopard skin and is the Jungle Queen. "And I look good, too," she says. "You know, I lost so much weight and that leopard sarong is real good for my figure." But that's all there is to the dream, so far — just Africa, the animals and Marion. "I like it," she says, "but it could stand some good dialogue and a story line. Maybe what I'll do — soon as I get a little extra money — is to hire a couple of writers." That's Marion Marlowe, a real dream princess — asleep or awake! Gentle EX-LAX helps you toward your NORMAL REGULARITY! TONIGHT— If you need a laxative, take chocolated Ex-Lax, America's best-tasting laxative. Take it at bedtime—it won't disturb your sleep. IN THE MORNING -You'll enjoy the closest thing to natural action. No discomfort or upset. You'll soon feel like yourself again! NEXT DAY — Ex-Lax continues to help you toward your normal regularity. You hardly ever have to take Ex-Lax again the next night! 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