Radio-TV mirror (Jan-June 1954)

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Roy tells a would-be buyer and his son how much Trigger means to him — and his fans. HE'S NOT JUST ACTING! Roy Rogers' real and radio lives are very much alike — and he loves them both Roy Rogers, cowboy star, and Roy Rogers, family man and rancher, make ideal saddle-mates. The personal and professional lives of your favorite radio Western star have much in common, and Roy loves them both. Typical of his belief in the part he plays and of his loyalty to his fans was Roy's flat rejection of a Texas oilman's recent offer of $200,000 to buy Trigger, Roy's famous palomino horse. Said Roy about the horse with whom he rode to success: "There's not enough money in the world to buy Trigger!" As a cowboy star, Roy rarely, if ever, gets to kiss his leading lady, Dale Evans. In real life, however, he is married to her. On a rambling, comfortable, fiveacre ranch in Encino, California, Dale and Roy lead a happy, informal life centered around the family. The tremendous appeal Roy has for the junior set stems from his actual, deep (Continued on page 107) The Roy Rogers Show. NBC Radio, Thurs., 8 P.M. EST, for Dodge. Roy Rogers Show, NBC-TV, Sun., 6:30 P.M. EST, for Post Cereals. FAVORITE RADIO WESTERN STAR • FAVORITE RADIO WESTERN SHOW