TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1956)

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" Y ua\i 'BuXtOfi McmtC/ Once Myron's pupil, back in mid-teens, Berdyne's now his wife — and mother of the Floren daughters: Kristie Ann, 4; Randy Lee, 6; Robin Gay, 2. He thinks the girls are a bit young for accordion lessons, but Randy studies piano — and they're all eager "artists." Myron Floren's accordion won him a lifetime romance— and a lifetime job with Lawrence Welk's great band By GORDON BUDGE IT was back in September, 1931, that Myro: Floren — now star accordionist with Lawrence Welk on ABC — played his first "professional" job at the Day County Fair in his home town of Webster, South Dakota. Today, Myron says, rather apologetically, "Miss Swenson, the music teacher who first taught me rhythm and note reading, urged her County Commissioner father to give me the job." Eleven-year-old Myron worked two days for ten dollars. But Myron, shy by nature, didn't have to apologize for the seeming "political" patronage. The fact was that, without a lesson in his life, Myron had won two amateur contests — one on piano, the other on accordion — and well deserved to step up into the professional ranks, young as he was. Twenty-five years later, on June 12, 1956. accordion strapped (Continued on page 76) Myron is on The Lawrence Welk Show, ABC-TV, Sat., 9 to 10 P.M. EDT, for Dodge Dealers of America. Of course, they must have "magic boxes" like Dad's! (Kris's tiny one is a gift from Welk.)