Reel Life (1916-1917)

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MUTUAL tfewspiperlifeFroKiTheIn?ide " -InThir Thrilling. J5 Chapter Serial! Society life and adventures in the slums— black¬ mailers in dress suits and “yeggs” in ragged raiment— crafty Celestials from the Oriental quarter and suave international spies from abroad — all these and others are woven into the fabric of this amazingly unique serial of newspaper life — told from the “inside”. FIFTEEN 5TARTLINC MOTION PICTURE STORIES -EACH COMPLETE Motion picture fans are finding this big new Mutual serial surprisingly fascinating. They are following it with the utmost interest. Theatres playing it are taxed to their capacity every week. It is the “something different” in pictures that has been so long awaited. Produced by the Niagara Film Studios. Featuring Earl Metcalfe, Helen Greene and Zena Keefe. Directed by George Terwilliger. NOW Booking At 68 Mufual EXckan^es Product Ay NIAGARA. FILM STUDIOS'