Reel and Slide (Mar-Dec 1918)

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REEL and SLIDE 19 Finest Available iWiiiiMiliiliiMlliilliiillllmllililiiiliiiiiiii|)i||i|||i,||ffi Complete, sonal I T is my business, and pleasure, to provide educational, social and religious institutions with motion pictures of high quality — pictures carefully selected to suit your own ideas and purposes. For your programs I draw the finest from the thousands of films in the entire picture world. Owning no films myself, I am absolutely without prejudice in my recommendations. "The finest films ever shown in the Evanston Schools," is typical of the expressions of appreciation received for my films, which include everything from "How shoes are made" to Mary Pickford plays. I give my clients ioo% personal service — service of the dependable, satisfying kind. I am in the educational film field because of my long interest in it and my fitness for it. As a former teacher, I am vitally interested in your problems. Through my connections with the film companies I can save you money on rentals. Send in the coupon and let me show you how. AH You Have to Do is to indicate to me the sort of pictures you desire, the length of time you wish the exhibition to run and the date. Most of my clients depend upon me to make the selections. Or, if you desire, you may make your own choice of pictures from the lists. At present I am supplying a widespread demand for War and Patriotic Pictures — stories and films showing the activities of the army and navy, boys in training, etc., and films taken in European countries at war, many showing actual warfare. Inquire about the U. S. Government Films, made by Uncle Sam himself and released by State Councils of Defense, showing U. S. war activities. The government desires a wide use of these films. Projectors and Equipment I am handling all the most practical of both the portable and larger projectors, and other equipment. Send for information. Proofs of Good Service University of Chicago: "Dear Mr. Curtis: Your films are very valuable for school use, and we have found your counsel in the matter of selections to be always wise and dependable." State Normal, Kalamazoo, Mich. "We find we can depend on you to the limit." Berea College, Berea, Kentucky: "We have been told by Prof. McLaughlin of Berea College and Prof. McKeever of the University of Kansas that you have splendid films for schools and colleges." Public Schools, Dowagiac, Mich.: "We have decided on account of your good showing so far, to change from to your service." Congregational Church, Chicago: "Mr. Curtis can always be depended upon for generous and painstaking personal service and his culture and judgment render his word the only necessary guarantee on pictures for churches." Community House, Winnetka, III.: "Those were the best war films we have ever shown." Union League Club, Chicago: "Your last picture, 'The German Curse in Russia,' was the most realistic and wonderful I have ever seen." Red Cross Society, Bartonville, IH.i "They were certainly fine films for the price, and are the, best we have ever received for our use." Naval OfHcers' School, Chicago: "The films were bully; keep them coming." Clip Coupon NOW A. E. Curtis, 16 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Find enclosed stamped and addressed envelope. Send us your list of motion pictures suitable for our use on (encircle correct words) war, patriotism, general education, dramas, literature, history, industry, religion, travel, current events. Name. Arthur E. Curtis (a.b Institution. (A.B.) Address. 16 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago Fill Out the Coupon and Mail TODAY Send information also to: (Indicate someone who is interestCP' Name. . Address' Please say, "As advertised in REEL and SLIDE." when you write to advertisers. Make Your Dollars Fight