Reel and Slide (Mar-Dec 1918)

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CunTversal) Actual Playing Dates on Univers Paxton Park (6 days) Harrlsburg, Pa. Orpheum (2 days) Williamsport, Pa. Realty Middletown, Pa. Orpheum Carlisle, Pa. Scenic Lancaster, Pa. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 Red Wing (2 days) Laurel, Md. Movies New Windsor, Md. Grand Harrisburg, Pa. Grand Ephrata, Pa. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 Ulman's Opera House Salisbury, Md. Bridge (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Pastime Rainey, Pa. Opera House (2 days) Centerville, Md. Electra (2 days) B.iltimore, Md. Shapiro (2 days) Mt. Union, Pa. Lyric Shippensburg, Pa. Grand (2 days) Huntington, Pa. Lenney Harrlsburg, Pa. Lyric Elkland, Pa. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 Star Mansfield, Pa. Auditorium Princess Anne, Md. Rex (3 days) Hancock, Md. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 Community (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Opera House (2 days) Frostburg, Md. Temple (2 days) Lewistown, Pa. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 Liberty Robertsdale. Pa. al-Industrial Film "OVER THE ROADS TO WAR"— (Continued from preceding page) Majestic Meyerstown, Pa. Grand (2 days) Eckhart Mines, Md. Woodsboro Opera House. .. .Woodsboro, Md. Burnham Y. M. C. A Woodsboro, Md. Star Blossburg, Pa. Bell Belleville, Pa. Star Hummelstown, Pa. MONDAY, AUGUST 26 Comedy (3 days) Baltimore, Md. Peabody (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Fairmount (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Brodie (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Empire (2 days) Oakland, Md. Empire (5 days) Cumberland, Md. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 Opera House Snow Hill, Md. Waverly Baltimore, Md. Strand Orbisonia, Pa. Pimlico (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Grand Westfield, Pa. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 Crystal (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Belnord (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Majestic Elizabethtown, Pa. Rowland Philipsburg, Pa. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29 Dixie (3 days) Baltimore, Md. Echo Baltimore, Md. Roop Pic. Par. (3 days) ... .Greensboro, Md. Leader (3 days) Baltimore. Md. Crescent 2 days) Baltimore, Md. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 Crown (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Red Moon (2 days) Baltimore, Md. Aurora Baltimore, Md. Lyric (2 days) Millersburg, Pa. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 Rialto Baltimore, Md. Opera House Quarryville, Pa. Hull Baltimore. Md. Opera House Red Lion, Pa. TOTAL BOOKINGS, 1,233 Average i Seating V 900 Capacity ) Average i Nuinber > 3 Performances \ lltrn^ance 2,700 X 1,233 Bookings Giving a Circulation on the Above Bookings of 4,279,500 "We'll do as much for you any day" SWORNT-XO F»ROOF I, Albert E.prandt, being duly sworn, do depose that I am Manager of Distribution of the Firestone one reel picture "Over the Roads to War^jSjad that I have received signed contracts from all of the theatres mentioned in the list annexed to this affidavit (1333 bookings), and that the film was distributed in the usual manner through the Universal Film Exchanges, and in addition to this I have secured 353 bookings to date for which I a;lso have signed contracts. Subscribed and Sworn to before me thi8^«(day of ^p-d/o-^^,1918. ^:^^E^^^/^'J^ /2<^/^^c,a^ Xj A<£A^ Notary Public New York County No. 402— New York Register No. 10327 My Commission Expires March. 30, 1920 ''WE'LL DO AS MUCH FOR YOU ANY DAY" ^u^lmy^Tth^rtTsk^L" lo^ ?o°s^^^^^^^ AN OFFER such as only a house of the facilities, resources, size and importance of the Universal could make— IS OPEN TO YOU. Simply send us your Advertising Literature and we will prepare for you a Scenario and Plan, and submit it to you for your approval without the slightest obligation on your part— other than that you give it such consideration as you would accord any other legitimate business proposition. FURTHER — if, in the judgment of our experts, your product is not suited to motion picture exploitation we will so report to you. We have no desire to spoil our unbroken record of success. INDUSTRIAL DEPARXIVIEIMX, UNIVERSAL EILIVI IVIEG. CO. Largest Manufacturers and Distributors of 1600 Broadway. New York City Industrial Film in the Universe : (UNTVERSAL)= "^v^ 'NOT PROMISES, BUT PERFORMANCE" «l