Reel and Slide (Jan-Sep 1919)

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REEL and SLIDE 45 Universal Co. Celebrates Its Business Progress "Seven years is the age of one of the oldest and largest film producing companies in the world, which is about to celebrate its seventh anniversary," says a statement coming from the Universal Film Company. "In that seven years the Universal Company has grown from babyhood to the size of a lusty youth with its best years ahead and the best years of his history just passed. Universale anniversary, to be held during the entire month of June, is memorable. It not only brings to a close the most successful years of its history, but marks the beginning of a new era in Universal production that will without a doubt be bigger and better than any of the years past. "The Universal Company was founded when the art of making and exhibiting motion pictures was in its infancy. Many of the business world were skeptical and would not venture. But consider the changes which have come about. Seven years ago not one theater existed that exhibited only motion pictures. Feature productions at that time were unknown to Broadway and great symphony orchestras were not dreamed of by even the most farsighted exhibitors. Long runs were unheard of, newspapers paid little or no attention to the productions and the extensive advertising campaigns now used were beyond the hopes of all." J. Don Alexander, president of the Alexander Film Company, of Spokane, Wash., has returned from the tractor show at Walla Walla, where he and his staff made 41 pictures of tractor performances for 10 large tractor and machinery companies. These pictures will be shown all over the world, some of them being rushed through to completion for export to Russia and China. All pictures will bear the name of Spokane and will help to make the city known throughout the world. Mr. Alexander said recently : "The Alexander Film Company is also making an industrial picture of a "local railroad safety device, and when the picture is finished will show some exciting scenes, such as a runaway locomotive coming head on towards the lens of the camera, a freight car hanging over the bluff into a river, two locomotives smashing into each other in a head-on collision, etc." "The Business Uses of the Motion Picture" was the subject of an address by Jam Handy, widely known advertising man, to the Chicago Association of Commerce at a luncheon recently. Films were shown by the speaker during his talk. Mr. Arthur Berthelet, for many years supervising director of the Essanay Chicago studios, has been acquired by the Atlas Educational Film Company of Chicago as director in chief of all future Atlas productions. Mr. Edward Ff. Philippi, who was formerly in the industrial motion picture field, is now connected with Baumer Films, Inc., and Mr. Arthur La Malice, one of the most prominent men in the advertising field, who lately completed the big Servidor campaign, is also connected with the same company, in charge of the sales end of all contracts pertaining to national circulation. We will reproduce YOUR OWN PICTURES or copy of any kind ON SLIDES Each 25c, Plain Each 40c, Colored Standard Size — Victor Featherweight Style Guaranteed Quality. Guaranteed Safe Return of Copy. Show on the screen pictures which "the boys" bring back from "Over There." Send for our Slide Service Bulletin and catalog of over 1600 stock subjects. Photo Department Victor Animatograph Co. 125 Victor Building, DAVENPORT, IOWA, U. S. A. Hudson River Night Lines NEW YORK ALBANY TROY HPHE luxurious route to vacation land. Leave Pier 32, ■*■ N. R., foot of Canal Street, daily 6 P. M., West 132nd Street 6.30 P. M., due Albany 6 o'clock following morning. Direct rail connections to all points North, East and West. LARGEST RIVER STEAMERS IN THE WORLD EXPRESS FREIGHT SERVICE . AUTOMOBILES CARRIED HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY