Richardson's handbook of projection (1930)

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HANDBOOK OF PROJECTION FOR Should the fader pointer always be kept on one o£ the numbers ? 1123 How may either the red or white side of the fader be cut out ? 1123 Caution Should you start projection and the sound is poor, or there is no sound at all, sound gate open or exciting lamp not lit, what would you do? 1123 Where must the fader be at starting? . 1123 How is the fader advanced after starting? 1123 At Change-Over How must the fader be handled at change-over?. . .. 1124 Explain how fader should be grasped at change-over 1124 Motor Control Box Name one essential to perfect sound reproduction... 1127 Will sound reproduced at a different speed from the taking sound be a duplicate of the original sound? 1127 What fault will a difference in recording speed and reproduction speed set up? 1127 At what speed per minute and second is Western Electric equipment presumed to operate in reproducing sound ? 1127 At what exact speed must the driving motor operate? 1127 What will variations in speed of projection produce? 1127 If there be frequent speed variations, what effect will be set up? 1127 Is there a difference as between silent picture and sound proj ection ? 1128 What is the motor control box and special motor expected to do ? 1128 Will compound wound or synchronous motors supply sufficiently close speed regulation? 1128 Name one objection to synchronous motors for such work 1128 Tuned Circuit Upon what does the motor control box depend for its operation ? 1 128 What is meant by a "tuned circuit" ? 1128 Describe a simple demonstration of a tuned circuit.. 1128 What is the first requirement in stabilizing motor speed? 1130 By what device is the driving motor enabled to govern its own speed ? 1 130 Describe the action of the speed governing motor 1132 xxviii