San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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September i, 1900 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW 13 The Dewey Theatre Personal cMention A splendid production of The Two Orphans is being presented at the Dewey. De Witt Clinton gives an excellent impersonation of Chevalier Maurice de Vandrey, and Jeffrey D. Williams, as Jaques Frochard, is exceptionally clever, his commanding figure and powerful voice making the character quite prominent. Landers Stevens had a fine conception of the noble character of Pierre, the cripple, but his tall figure is not at all suited to the part. Maurice Stewart, as Picard, is as jolly as ever, and James Corrigan is acceptable as the Doctor. Fanny Gillette, as Henriette, acts the part in a most artistic style. Louise, her blind sister, was portrayed by Edna Ellsmere, who shows considerable ability as an actress of emotional parts. Gracie Plaisted goes out of her class in acting the part of Marianna. Pauline Maitland as Mother Frochard, is very clever, and Mina Maitland is good in her impersonation of two characters. The scenery is very artistic, and the play is well received. Macdonough Theatre Joaquin Miller's '49 is playing y this week. Maud Miller, as Carrots has the leading part. Her impersonation of the red-headed waife is up to her usual good work. E. J. Holden makes a decided hit as '49, the hero of the hills. Clifford Dempsey, as Arthur Denison, does some good acting, and Chas. King in the disagreeable character of Tom Bradshaw, is as usual very clever. Harry Rattenbury makes a good Old Ned. The General, a "total wreck," is well acted by Frank Opperman.and Walter Whipple, as Col. James, does exceptionally well. Geo. Hermance makes much of his small part. May Evelynne, as Mississippi, acts the part with considerable skill, and lone Everette makes a very handsome appearance as Miss Bell. The scenic effects are very beautiful. Carroll Marshall has lecovered sufficiently from her late severe illness to leave for Los Angeles next week. Howard Scott is back from a vacation spent in the Santa Cruz mountains and at Santa Barbara. Selby Oppenheimer left last week for the north with his Brownie show, which will travel as far East as St. Paul. John Cordkav left for Portland last Tuesday night, after a busy stay in San Francisco. George Soule Spencer was married Aug. 23, at Denver, to Lillian White, a non-professional. Baron Berthold, an oldTivoli favorite, will arrive to-day from the East to join the opera company. Wilton Lackave and wife and Thomas Phillips leave for the East next week, after their Frawley season. Helen Merrill who will be with Dunne & Ryley next season, left Tuesday to report in New York. George Lask, who will be general stage director for Dunne & Ryley, leaves next week for New York and possibly a short trip to London. Tom Greene sings the sweetest little ballad ever written, Kitty Dear. It's beautiful. Ask him to sing it for you. He will do it. LOUISE WERED SOPRANO With Dailey's Comedians MARY MARBLE Star Stock Co. Dunne & Ryley BESSIE T ANNE HILL Leading Soprano and Characters Dunne & Ryley HELEN NELSON Soubrette Alta Stock Co. LOUISE CARTER Leading Woman Alta Stock Co. CLAUDE DONNELLY Comedian and Ballad Singer With Dailey's Comedians AM MORRI = <3c CO. = in "Jack's Thanksgiving 99 ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Mark Levy & Co. MARK LEVY Expert Cutter and Fitter... Pine Suits from $25.00 up Only the Best Help Employed... All work done on the premises 36 Geary St., S. F. Rooms 19-20 Phone Grant 158 PACIFIC COAST CONCERT and TEACHERS' AGENCY 22 y2 GEARY STREET San Francisco, Cal. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MARY FRANCES FRANCIS t^fc 10^* ONCERT Companies formed for city or interior. Vocalists and Musicians of every grade and variety for church, concert, select public or private entertainments,teas, weddings, etc., furnished. Dramatic Readers, Humorists, Impersonators, Dancers, Palmists, Schools, Conservatories, Private Teachers in all professional and educational branches, recommended with terms and full particulars. Halls and Studios selected. New and Second-Hand Musical Instruments supplied. Send for circular. To register or secure talent, etc. apply to MARY FRANCES FRANCIS, Director 'Phone Grant 158 Office Hours, 1 to 2.30 P. M. daily * * MUSICAL CARDS > ^ ELIZABETH REGINA MOWRY DRAMATIC SOPRANO Voice Culture j Studio, 2921 Webster St. Teacher ol Piano i Mondays 10 to 12 A. M. Telephone Geary 1305 GUITAR STUDIO, 722 Powell St., near California. Special terms to children. Call or address Mrs. G. J. and Miss Elsie Tooker, Soloists CLAIRE M. COLE TEACHER OK PIANO. Pupil of Roscoe Warren Lucy. Painist of the Corona Club. Concert engagements accepted. Reception Hours, from 9 A. M., to 1:30 p. M. Thursday excepted. Address, La Normandy, 324 Eddy St. MRS. FANNIE DAM HILTON (Recently from Milan) TEACHER OF SINGING. ORATORIO, CONCERT and Grand Opera Studio, Ilyron Mauzy, 308 Post St. Mondays and Thursdays. S, F, CONSERVATORY Of MUSIC 301 Jones Street, Cor. Eddy A thorough musical edcuation in all branches ol music. Piano department In charge of E. S. BONELLI, Director. Terms moderate. CECILE VON SEIBERLICii piRAMATIC SOPRANO, CONCERT ACCOM[ ) panist and Coach for Operatic Singers and Stage Specialties Studio lfi-13 Polk St., cor. Clay, San Francisco. 'Phone Polk 1016. MARGUERITE J1ARETZEK (Pupil of Max Marctzek) Formerly Contralto Soloist of Dr. Parkhurst's Church, New York, will receive a limited number of vocal pupils. Concert engagements accepted . MAX n ARETZEK Late Professor of the New York College of Music and Cincinnati College of Music. Teacher of Piano and Harmony For terms and particulars, address care SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., S. F MARGUERITE WILBOURN /CONTRALTO SOLOIST ( I.amperti Method). \J Vocal Studio. 538 Lyon Street. Reception Days, Monday & Thursday. Director of Children's Choral. H. L. HASTINGS T5ANJO SOLOIST AND TEACHER. CONCERT I ) engagcmcls. For terms and particulars, apply to Dramatic Rp.vinw,:ifi Geary St. MISS JEbSIE FOSTER LYRIC SOPRANO AND VOCAL TEACHER, has removed her studio to Byron Mauzy's 308 Post St. Reception Hours, 0 A. M. to 1 P. If, Tuesdays and Fridays. DAVID MANLLOYD SOLO TENOR OF ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Voice Culture, Oratorio, Concert. Song Recitals. 525 Golden Gate Avenue, S. F. 'Phone Mint 1653. JOSEPH GREVEN VOCAL INSTRUCTOR Removed to 902 O'Farrell St. Reception Days, Mondays and Thursdays, 2 to 3 P. M. California School of Eloeutinn & Oratory (chartered) A/fISS EMILY CURTIS. PRINCIPAL; MISS _LV_1_ H. J Elliott, Physical Department. Association Building, Mascot and Ellis Sts. ROBERT LLOYD Musical Director Harmony Choral Club; St. Dominic's Choir. The Art of Singing; Correct Breathing, Proper placing of the voice; Clear enunciation ol word phrasing; Interpretation; Style. Studio, BYRON MAUZY'S, 308 Post St. Elocution Physical Culture and Music * Private Lessons, $1 Classes, 50 eta. STUDIO 1 1 1 Gtkkkkko St. MRS. A. G. COLEMAN "pvRAMATIC CONTRALTO, prepares pupils for I / Opera, Oratorio, Concert or Church Work. Head of Vocal Department of Pacific Coast Conservatory of Music. Private Studio. 1631 Bush trect. 'Phone Baker 1192. MISS CORA W. JENKINS CHILDREN'S Harmony and Piano forte Classes. Sight Reading, Notation, .Tonal Recognition, Simple Mclodie and Harmonic Structural Forma, etc. Reception Hours— 1 P. M. to 4.30 p. K, Tuesdays and Fridays. Studio— Miss West's School, 2011 Van Nesa. Pianos by the Month As we represent the best make of pianos in every grade, from Steinway down to low-priced makera, ind as our installment payments are caaier than thoae of other dcalera we are the people from whom you should purchase. New Upright Pianos, $6 cash, $6 per month Other Pianos, $3, $4 and $5 per month SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Steinway Dealers Cor. Kearny and Sutter St»., San Francl«co, Cal. Cor. IJth and Broadway, Oakland MISS JVX. OTJ3VI3VLiaNrC3rS MANICURING Hair Treatment a Specialty Rcsideuce Engagements—Mornings. Facial Massage. Scalp Treatment. Office Hours, 1 to 6. 'Phone Black 5053. Room 42 . 30 Gp.ary Strebt