San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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April 1 8, 1908. THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW Sidelights The Lulu Theatre stock of Butte, Manager Dick Sutton's stock, has closed. It is on the cards that Ed Redmond will, at the conclusion of his time at the Novelty Theatre in Fresno, move up to Stockton and go into stock at the Alisky Theatre. Plans have been completed in Boston for an opera house for the housing of permanent grand opera. It will be located in the Back Bay, near Symphony Hall, and the opera will be under the direction of Henry Russell of the San Carlo Opera Company. Leading capitalists and musical people of Boston are backing the project. The building will cost $7,000,000. The Weldon, Williams & Lick two color reserved seat coupon tickets are getting a good hold on the Coast, and are now used in many of our theatres and their book strip tickets are just the thing and are replacing the old style roll ticket. This line of their business is growing extremely, and today over forty places of amusement in San Francisco alone are using their tickets, including theatres, nickelodeons, dancing academies, etc. Rube Cohen, their Pacific Coast representative, is delighted with the large orders he is constantly receiving for this well-known and popular firm. The new programme for this week at the Grand Theatre was encored from pit to gallery last night, when Fun in a Pawnbroker's opened as the curtain raiser. This is La Blanc's inning this week in his clever impersonation of the Jew pawn shop keeper. He is rich. Young and Angelo get in good work, as they always do, but Isy Cohinsky takes the house. Harry Lancaster made his first appearance with this company "n Reno in an amusing part. But [the ovation which greeted May Grace when the favorite sang "The Banana Man," with Young and the chorus, was the greatest that has ever been heard since this group of singers and dancers arrived in Reno. And the little lady deserved it. Again she appeared with "The Girls I of All Nations," another sparkling I chorus piece, and the applause was ! deafening — Reno Exchange. San Francisco is to have a big Chinese theatre, the largest and the most magnificent of its kind ever built in this country, The seating capacity will be in the neighborhood of 3,000. The cost is estimated at half a million dollars. This new place of amusement will occupy the site on the northeast corner of Clay and Stockton Streets, extending along the latter thoroughfare to Spofford Alley. The design of the building will .admit of two large entrances, one on Stockton Street, fronting that of the First Chinese Presbyterian Church, and the other on Spofford Alley. The building, which will be of granite and reinforced concrete, will demonstrate some unique architectural possibilities. One of the promised surprises will be the way in which the three galleries will be "swung." The enterprise is in the hands of seven local Chinese merchants. Although not officially under the direction of the Six Companies, it has the approval and indorsement of that organization. It was a disappointment to the promoters that they were unable to buy the site, but they secured a twenty years' lease at a rental of $850 a month. The lot is 65x130. Eddie Pidgeon, the New York theatrical manager, and his wife, Norma, have been battling in the courts for possession of their ten-year-old daughter Marjorie. Just at present victory rests with the wife and mother, owing to a decision by Justice Marean, who denied the father's petition for custody of the child. Mrs. Pidgeon was greatly wrought up by the effort to take her child from her. "The idea of trying to take my child from me ! " she said. "It makes me almost wild with rage. However, the way he has been treating me since he became wellto-do is something awful. For years I have worked hard for him, struggling to keep our home together. As he began to prosper he wanted to get rid of me. He did not let his friends in New York know that he was married. He was ashamed of me. For what reason I do not know. Although he earns $150 a week he has not given me or my daughter a cent in seven weeks. I have been living on the charity of friends. Several weeks ago I appeared at the theatre where he is manager, and on my knees I asked him to let me have the child, the only thing I have left in the world, saying that if he would do so I would leave the city and never bother him again. T THE ONLY REAL FLEET SONG The Big Sensation of the Season MY YANKEE SAILOR BOY A Song with a Swing, a Swish and a Snap ! WORDS BY MUSIC BY OLIVER MOROSCO JOSEPH MONTROSE The Great Burbank Theatre Success The Song That Has Set Los Angeles Wild Orchestrations Will Be Sent on Request. Address All Communications to BURBANK PUBLISHING CO. Los Angeles, Cal. On Sale at All the Leading San Francisco Music Stores WIGS ALL MAKES, GREASE PAINTS, POWDERS, ROUGE Largest Line on Pacific Coast. MAKE-UP BOXES, PLAY BOOKS Parent's Stationery Co.*S,5 The Ellef ord Company The greatest list of plays this season in the history of the organization. THE GOSSOON, Joseph Orismer Version BEACON LIGHTS, REAPING THE HARVEST, A TEXAS STEER, INFATUATION, SHADOWS OF NEW YORK, THE NEW CINDERELLA, THE PRINCESS OF PATCHES. "Classy" Vaudeville Between Acts. Managers, please note that I control exclusive Coast rights to these plays. W. J. ELLEFORD, Sole Proprietor and Director FRANK WYMAN, Manager WILLIS BASS, Business Manager Permanent Address, FrancisValentine Co., 285-287 13th St., S. P. Home Office B'JRBANK THEATRE BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CAL. Oliver Morosco's Plays Ready for Stock The Judge and the Jury The Halfbreed The Empress and the Soldier In South Car'liney MOROSCO'S BURBANK THEATRE Los Angeles, Cal. "The Best in the West" The Leading Stock House. The Hamburger Theatre Los Angeles, Cal. Cost, $300,000.00. Opens Sept. 1st. 1908. For time address John Cort The Garrick Theatre San Diego, Cal. Oliver Morosco, Lessee and Manager. Beginning Sept. 1st. 1908 For an answer he had some theatre attaches throw me bodily out of the place." MAJESTIC THEATRE, ccTl° Population, 12,000; Fay-Roll, $250,000 Per Month Playing all the best attractions between Frisco and Portland. Virginian, Sunday, March 1, $720. Want good opera, musical comedy or minstrel show for an opening, April 1, 2, 3. Open time after April 1 to first-class attractions. Hechtman Bros. Harry L. Rattenbury, Prop. Manager. WOODLAND OPERA HOUSE Woodland, Cal. Best show town in the interior of California. Some recent records: In Old Kentucky, $518; Checkers, $528; Gingerbread Man, $561;" Woodland, $541; Georgia Minstrels, $416; Chas. B. Hanford, $681. These are actual figures; books open for verification. Booked by GREAT WESTERN THEATRICAL, CIRCUIT, 287 13th St., S. F. TURLOCK OPERA HOUSE Now Under New Management, Booking only First-Class Shows Best Show Town in San Joaquin Valley T. G. YATES, Manager GREAT WESTERN PRINTINGCO. show printers, lithographers. engravers 513-15 -17 elm st., st. louis, mo. Stock Lithographs and Posters FOR DRAMATIC, MINSTREL, VAUDEVILLE, MAGIC, HYPNOTISM, MOVING PICTURES, REPERTOIRE, STOCK, CIRCUS, WILD WEST, FAIRS, CARNIVALS, AUTO RACES ROLLER SKATING. BASEBALL. PICNICS. RACES, Etc. SPECIAL PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHING OF ALL KINDS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. s. & s. THEATRICAL HAULING Special rates to theatrical companies. Prompt attention to all orders. Office: 858 Folsom Street, or ring tip. Phones Temp. 3593, Douglas 351, Kearny 2664. H. Lewin H. Oppenheim GORDAN TAILORING CO. (Formerly 1124 Market St.) 1539 Fillmore St. Bet. O'Farrell and Geary San Francisco. Cal. Garden Theatre THOMAS PHILLIPS, Manager San Rafael, Cal. Population, 10,000. Playing the leading attractions. Seating Capacity, 1,100. Stage Dimensions: width, 50 ft.; depth, 35 ft.; height, 40 ft. Hill Opera House PETALUMA, CAL. JOHN R. ROCHE, Lessee and Manager The finest theatrical town outside of the big cities in the West. Magnificent new theatre, witli stage large enough for any attraction, playing regularly from $500 to $700 a night. Hooked by Great Western Theatrical Circuit, 287 Thirteenth St., S. F. MERCED'S NEW THEATRE BarcrOft Opera House Now open — booking first-class shows only. Town booming— People show-hungry. For time, writeto F. R. BARCROFT, Manager Santa Cruz §551$ Santa Cruz, Cal. L. A. KNIGHT, Manager Rental or will play first-class companies on percentage FARIlAGUTTheatre WM. T. O'DONNELL, Lessee and Mgr. (The Navy Yard Town.) 3,000 employees; population of town is 12,000; monthly pay-roll, $200,000. Good shows can get big money. GUY C. SMITH, Prop, (formerly Manager Macdonough and Novelty Theatres. GUY'S INN THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS Best Appointed Gentleman's Bar in Oakland. Complimentary Night Lunch, 10:30 to 12:30. Private Conversation, Writing and Card Rooms. 1010 WASHINGTON ST. New IMarysvilleTheatre A $50,000 Building Seating Capacity, 1,200. Booking Flrst Class Attractions only. FRANK ATKINS, Owner and Manager CENTRAL HOTEL Monterey's Theatrical Hotel A. B. Underwood, Proprietor Special Rates to the Profession Theatre Margarita Eureka, Cal. The Leading Theatre of Northern California— Open Kvery Day of the Year A. B. THORPE, Proprietor ELINORE DAUPHIN Y, Manager Booking All First-Class Attractions All Communications Acknowledged Slightly Worn Wardrobe FOR STAGE PURPOSES Ladles' Handsome Evening Gowns and Opera Coats; good as new; In latest styles. Men's Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits. MRS. H. JACOBS, 827 Hayes St., formerly of Sixth St. Phone Park 707.