San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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January 8, 1910 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW 1 1 Terkelsen & Henry. Foto. La Estrellita The above likeness is La Estrellita' s latest photograph, and an excellent likeness it is. This clever youngSpanish dancer is known the world over. She has been specially engaged for a run at the Portola Cafe, where she proved to be a veritable sensation. San Francisco has gone wild over La Estelita. She is far superior to any Spanish dancer who has appeared in this city previously. La Estrellita has : 1 eady made many friends, and we all ho:e to have h?r remain the full season. She is grace itself, and her Spanish beauty has enchanted the town. La Estrellita has a wealth of nrturally curly black hair, which falls to her waist while dancing, and the result is most effective. Her fire dance is very graceful and artistic, and she wears some of the most gorgeous costumes ever seen in San Francisco. She is a «reat artist. Book ooKings At the Sullivan & Considine, San Francisco office, through Wm. P. Reese, their sole booking agent, for week of January 5, 1910. NATIONAL, San FranciscoBrothers W hitman, Robisch and Chil dress, Gertrude Van Wyck, Trainor rnd Dale, Ray Fern, LeBrun Grand Opera Trio, Mickey's Comedy Circus. BELL, Oakland— Les Jundts, Lola Yberri. The Three Keltons, Albers' Polar Hears, Hollowav and Howard. WIGWAM, San Francisco— Wilson Unmatched Transcontinental Comfort The only road under one management, San Francisco and Lcs Angeles to Chicago, thus insuring uniformity of service. Our employees are courteous. Our scenery not alone interesting but unique. Our meal service is managed by Fred Harvey. Our equipment built by Pullman. Our illustrated and descriptive folders will interest you. They give reliable information. 3 TRAINS A DAY To Chicago, Kansas City and the East Would be pleased to arrange your trip JAS. B. DUFFY, Gen.Agt.. 673 Market St., San Francisco J. J. WARNER, G. A., 1112 Broadway, Oakland EUGENE Howard & Howard "THE HEBREW MESSENGER BOY AND THE THESPIAN.1 Orpheum Circuit George Bloomquest AND HIS COMPANY Present "NERVE" in Vaudeville Charles E. Royal & Elliott Edythe Presenting Charles E. Royal's wonderful Burglar Playlet, IN VAUDEVILLE "STRAIGHTENING A CROOK. " and six other excellent playlets. BERT LEVEY, AGENT. Carlin & Clark Playing Orpheum Circuit. PLAYING TO PACKED HOUSES EVERYWHERE The Great Marshall Show ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Featuring EDWARD C. MARSHALL Jail Breaker and Handcuff Expert, Supported by a Capable Company of Clever Comedians. A-No. 1 Paper and Photo Display. MANAGERS: Write for Open Time. Permanent Address — 144 POWELL STREET. S. F. Harry-Sutton & Sutton-Kitty THE RUBE, THE GIRL AND THE PUMPKIN Pantages' Circuit. Open Time, Dec. 13. Address Care Palace Hotel, Chicago, 111. Denton Vane WITH EDWIN T. EMERY In Vaudeville Donald Bowles With His Company in "Guilty?" Orpheum Circuit and DeMonville, Kathleen DeVoie, Hill and Sylviany, Jimmy Wall. Whitehead and (irierson, Delmore and Lee. GRAND, Sacramento — Josephine Gassman and Picks*, Xat Xazarro Troupe, Bohemian Sextette, Leon Rogee, Long' and Cotton. (iARRICK, Stockton— Nellie Hurt, I loltman and Oblinger, brothers Damm. Frank Clark! LOS ANGELES. Los Angeles— Von Mitzel and Maynard, Rusticana Trio, Tom Linton and fiis Jungle Girls, Gertie Lverett, W. C. Hoerler & Co., Carlotta. AM ■•".RICA X. San Francisco — Sydney Dcanc & Co.. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. O'Brien, Geo. H. Wood, Hoey and Mozar, Myrtle Byrne & Co., Malvern Troupe. QUEEN, San Diego— Billy Clark, Mile. Martha, Uradlee Martin & Co., Five Musical Lovelands, Max Duffek. MISSION, Salt Lake City— Ed. Gallagher & Co., Marry Thomson, Handy and Fields, Bell and Caron, Crimmins and Gore, John Bergamasco. MAJESTIC, Denver — Edna Davenport, The Lahakans, Marry and Kate Jackson, The Stellings, Godlcvvsky Troupe, Morris and Morton. Archie Levy has been under the doctor's care the past week. CHARLES W. KEMBLING In Vaudeville. Factory for Songs and Funny Notions GEORGE LAUDER First American Tour Australia's Foremost Ventriloquist, with His Life Size Mechanical Figures. Capt. Nat Ressler & Co. THE MILITARY STARS, PRESENTING THE WORLD'S FAMOUS REVOLVER SCENIC ACT TOM PERSSE WRITES: Long Beach, Cal., Dec. 28. — I am still playing here, repertoire ; last week. The Mascot; this week. The Chimes, and next. The Bohemian Girl. I haVe every hope of doing a little business soon, as the tourists begin to come in. The people of the town think 1 1 1 i ^ is the best company that has ever been here, and as for the newspapers, why they are vicing with one another to see who will do the most. W e will have a big time tonight, as it is Shriners* night, and they are turning out in good style. Wishing you the compliments of the season, I am, yours truly. T. M. 11. PERSSE,