San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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January 9, 1909 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW Florence Roberts as Lady Joan Meredyth in The House of Bondage. Florence Roberts in The House of Bondage Portland, Ore., Jan. 8. — Florence Roberts opened an engagement of four nights at the Heilig Theatre last night, presenting her new play, The House of Bondage, by Seymour Obermer. The theatre was filled by a fashionable audience, and it was evident that it was a deeply interested one. Before the play was in progress long enough for the story to develop, the brightness of the dialogue had reached and held the close attention of every one. The extreme warmth of Miss Roberts's reception indicated a predisposition on the part of her auditors to accept her, no matter what the play might be, but the positive ovation at the conclusion of the second act was not entirely personal, but was in large part a tribute to the play and the supporting company. The House of Bondage is of Entdish locale, the first act being laid in a physician's office in London, and the last two acts in the living-room of a chalet in the Swiss Alps. The triangle has been used frequently of late as a mathematical figure of speech to illustrate the plays written about a husband, a wife and another man. Here the mathematical figure must be altered to a quadrangle, as there are presented not only the husband, wife and another man, but another woman as well. The most refreshing frankness exists among the four regarding the situation. The quadrangle is ingeniously bisected by making the other man a surgeon who must operate on the brain of the husband, the interest is skillfully suspended by the doubt as to whether his knife is going to slip or not. and the play is finished by the other woman getting the husband a place in the English Cabinet, whereupon the wife leaves him forever, warning him if he does not use his newly acquired political power to Before Furnishing Your Stage or Ordering Electric Signs; Communicate with Western Stage Appliance Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Theatrical Stage Appliances, Electrical Signs and Letters, Arc Lamps and Electrical Effects, Sheet Metal Specialties, Spot Lights, Bunch Lights, Music Stands, Exit Boxes and Stage Hardware 866 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, Cal. amend the divorce laws in six months, she will ignore the laws and live openly with the man she loves. John Cort has surrounded Miss Roberts this season with a superb supporting company. Miss Roberts, of course, plays the role of the wife, which affords her every opportunity for the display of those great emotional powers which have won for her an acknowledged eminence in roles of a certain sort. Arthur Forrest plays the husband — the same Arthur Forrest who in many a Richard Mansfield production nearly wrested laurels from the lamented tragedian. Thurlow Bergen; ever able and engaging, plays "the other man," and Ann Warrington, a seasoned and intelligent artist, is "the other woman." Mary licrtniml. Hallett Uosworlh and Marry Gibbs are all well-known players who contribute to an uncommonly fine performance. Dance of the Ben Huntes Lee Parvin, who is doing the publicity work ahead of H. E. Pierce & Co.'s In Wyoming, through the courtesy of Dave Towle. press agent of Ren 1 1 nr. together with Nick I'anfilio of Brewster's Millions, and Hen Krouse of Arizona, were extended an invitation to attend a banquet and dance given by the Hen llur company Xew Year's night. The occasion proved a most enjoyable one. and Mr. Parvin reminiscently eloquent said: "It is such little exchanges of thoughtful regard that bind the members of the profession by silken cords of sympathy and strew their thorny paths with choicest blossoms of fragrant consideration. The average man or woman on the road has very little pleasure to brighten up their lives and it is at such gatherings as this that we are really made to feel that life is worth while and we are all the better for it." It will be easily seen that Mr. Parvin is a press dope dispenser of decidedlv unusual ability. Hayden Talbot Writes a Play Hayden Talbot has resigned his position as house manager of the AT LIBERTY Sol.ev. Reliuble Man, qualified to act as StaKe Manager. Properly Man »v A-l Billposter. Knows show business thoroughly. Non-union. Address. M. K. BILLilNGTON Itenlly (Jranil Theatre. Long Uracil. Cal. Valencia Theatre and will spend the next three months in Pasadena polishing off the rough spots of a play which has been favorably criticized by Walter lloff Seely, general manager of the Valencia. Mr, Talbot hopes to return to San Francisco in April with his play in shape to produce. Now Actor Von Plank Wants Damages BAKERSFIELD, Jan. 1. — Adrian von I 'lank, the actor who was shot by E. X. Blacker, left the sanatorium yesterday for his home in Portland. Before leaving. Yon Plank placed his affairs in the hands of a local attorney, with instructions to effect a settlement with Rlacker. and if unsuccessful to begin suit for damage. Yon Plank was shot by Rlacker after the latter had discovered his wife in the actor's room. Blacker is out on S2.500 bail, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to commit murder. Rlacker refuses to discuss the terms demanded for settlement. Rattling the Skeleton Frank P. Shanley, manager of the Hotel St. James, before he was in the hotel business, was an actor with The Jolly American Tramp. He played Warren Wade, the leading juvenile part, at five rehearsals. Performers Wanted For the Girton Stock Company OPEN JAN. 13 IN STOCK AT EUREKA, CALIF, Address PERRY GIRTON. Eureka, or WM. MENZEI,. 1115 Van Ness Aye., S. F. Alhert McQuarrie wire. Stop at the Hotel Dale On the Rialto— Home of the Profession Special Rates Only Hotel close to Orpheum, Princess, Xoveltv, National, Alcazar, or Pantages— SAN FRANCISCO Cor. Golden Gate Ave. 6c Fillmore St. Take McAllister Street Car at the Ferry MenzePs Dramatic Agency 1115 VAN NESS AVE., BOOMS 114-116 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Managers Wanting Reliable People In Dramatic Lines, Write. Honest Dealing. No Misrepresentation NOTICE — We Invite people In all lines of the theatrical profession that wish first-class engagements to call or write. WM. MENZEL, Manager