Screenland (Nov 1931-Mar 1932)

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for February 1932 "The School for Scandal" As Lady Teazle Ethel Barrymore took her position at last in the great DrewBarrymore tradition. She has wabbled hither and thither; but she is, I wager, going down to posterity as Lady Teazle, just as her great aunt, Mrs. John Drew (Uncle Jack's mother), did. The Barrymore Teazle is a compound of grace, beauty, sophistication and dramatic power. She makes of her an eternal character, a woman who, married to old Sir Peter Teazle, can cast longing looks elsewhere, but who, when the moment comes, as it did in the famous screen scene, can ride down her feminine hokum and emerge a woman with a firm grip on herself. Ethel Barrymore did this scene superbly. And she was gorgeous to look upon in her modish eighteenth century hats and gowns. See "The School for Scandal" and you'll discover where most of our domestic farces and comedies are cribbed from. It is still a brilliant and up-to-date satire. Charles Croker-King was a splendid and vivid Sir Peter Teazle. McKay Morris did not grasp at all the character of the hypocritical Joseph Surface. The rest of the company was good. But Ethel of the Tribe of Barrymores is the high light. 109 Hazel Dawn gives an amusing performance on the stage in "Wonder Boy." "The Laugh Parade" Ed Wynn is the reverse of Bobby Clark, Eddie Howard and Joe Cook. He is in a class all by himself — sui generis, as Mae West would say. In his coonskin cap, his goggles, his lostin-the-woods air, his quiet way of dragging an explosive laugh out of your vest he is incomparable. Never has he ridden higher than in "The Laugh Parade." He is almost the whole show, with due salutes to the Di Gatanos, who stage a whirlwind Apache dance that is savage enough to almost make you holler, "Quit it!" There are also Eunice Healy, who dances well, and La Jeanne Aubert, who is la-la ! "Wonder Boy" The pictures take it on the chin again in "Wonder Boy," by Chodorov and Barton. This time the New York executives are pounded to a frazzle. And it is one long laugh from beginning to end. For Will You Give Me 10 Days to PROVE that I Can Give You Perfect Health andaStenderBody? T"V) YOU want to take oft" excess weight? To reduce your waistline, hips, legs? j;Do you want glowing health, sparkling energy? Do you want to build a symmetrical, muscular development? Do you want to keep physically fit, in the "pink"? Let Walter M. Hoover, famous oarsman, show you what rowing will do for you — real rowing, of the racing shell variety — the finest, most enjoyable form of exercise in existence! Try his "Hoover Conditioner" 10 days FREE. A few minutes a day on this entirely different rowing machine will work wonders! Exercise? It's FUN — and what it will do for that body of yours! Get sensational offer NOW — without cost or obligation. 0k ~ ~~Z r " r mBM^ jj . .r Walter M. Hoover, forme champion sculler, wlnrx Sculls. ;if the Diamond AN ENTIRELY NEW PRINCIPLE '"^SE Have you ever swung up the river in a racing shell? TVs like floating on air! Now get this same thrilling, exhilarating sense of tree, rhythmic motion on your home rowing machine. No tugging and straining on makeshift spring contrivances, but the full sweep of the racing stroke, as light or as strong as you want it. Walter M. Hoover, Olympic champion oarsman, designed the "Hoover Conditioner" for his own use, built it on racing shell lines, "rigged it right" for comfort, made it adjustable to a child's strength or an athlete's. SMOOTH, FLOWING MOTION The "Hoover Conditioner" is so unlike any other rowing machine on the market that Hoover was literally forced into manufacturing it, first for his friends, then for an ever increasing demand. Now he wanta vou to trv it. Kx[lerieneefor vonr^elf t he i hrill of row ins with the full, scientific s'roke and NATURAL RECOVERY. Until vou have sat on the silent, sliding scat of the "Hoover Conditioner" you i joy able it NO DANGEROUS COIL SPRINGS COMPARE the smooth, even action of the "Hoover Conditioner" with the jerky, uneven pull and dangerous snap-back of of her rowing machines. Moreover, the " Hoover Conditioner" never lo.ies i's tension. Find out why veteran oarsmen acclaim it; why the finest stores recommend it; why men and women instinctively choose it after trying other rowing machines, side by aide. this THE HOOVER CONDITIONER Built Like A Racing Shell t&<&\rf the Superiority of the "Hoover Conditioner" ^^^^O^ You can't expect the same exercise to take off weight or to ^ m build up big, powerful muscles. The "Hoover Conditioner" gives you a different type of exercise for every purpose. A turn of the handy screw adjusts the tension to any desired degree — for light, rapid, reducing exercise — or heavy, muscle-building exercise. "I think your 'Conditioner* scientifically correct. There are thousands of men that do not know that such an exercisor exists. They buy those silly, spiral spring and rubber cable affairs." Dr. S. R. B. (full name and address_on file) "I can't really say enough for the 'Conditioner'. I wouldn't sell it for S500 if I couldn't buy another. It certainly puts the old pep into you." F. G. R., Newark, N. J. SENSATIONAL BARGAIN NOW Why spend money on makeshift, so-called "rowing machines" when vou can have the genuine "Hoover Conditioner" at LESS THAN ONEHALF THE REGULAR PRICE! Get the facts of this sensational "experimental" offer at once. Learn the exclusive features of this trim, handsome exerciser that gives you dynamic health, energy, a perfect figure, in only a few minutes a day — and slides under the bed when not in use. Try the "Hoover Conditioner" for yourself; get the thrill of actual "racing shell" rowing. Convince yourself that here is the perfect, pleasurable form of exercise. Mail coupon / or write for full information with details of 10-Dav FREE Trial / Xame and Special Bargain Offer of LESS THAN HALF PRICE. / THE HOOVER CONDITIONER, INC. / Address52 East 19th Street New York, N. Y. / Copyright. 1931. / Town TRY IT FREE! GET THE FACTS before you buy any Rowing Machine / / The Hoover Conditioner. / Inc., Dept. 32 / 52 East 19th St., New York. / N. V. / Send me FREE detail* of Hoover / Conditioner. 10-Dav Trial and / Special Short-Time Oiler at LESS / THAN' HALF PRICE. When you write to advertisers please mention SCREENLAND