Screenland (May-Oct 1940)

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GREENLAND HoNGR EvGE Best Performances of the Movie Month: Bette Davis and Charles Boyer in the somberly compelling "All This, And Heaven Too" Bette Davis as the governess, Henriette Deluzy-Desportes, in the ill-fated household of the Due oe Praslin, played by Charles Boyer, principals in the broodingly dramatic picturization of Rachel Field's notable novel, "All This, And Heaven Too." At top left, close-ups of Miss Davis and M. Boyer, the co-stars. Miss Davis with the remarkable child actor who plays the de Praslin son and heir: young Richard Nichols. "W^E DON'T say that the newest "big" picture, "All This, And Heaven Too," is today's "Gone With the Wind" — although it is causing almost as much controversy and comment as the Margaret Mitchell masterpiece. We do say, however, that you will not want to miss this costly, if cumbersome, screen adaptation of the Rachel Field book. Thanks to magnificent performances by the costars, Bette Davis and Charles Boyer; to the penetrating direction by Anatole Litvak of an excellent screenplay; and to a scintillating gallery of secondary performances, particularly Barbara O'Neil's tragic Duchesse, Virginia Weidler's Louise, and Richard Nichols' appealing Raynald, "All This, And Heaven Too" is your outstanding cinema entertainment of the summer, truly a distinguished film. 8