Screenland (Nov 1944-Oct 1945)

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14 Early American Spice Trunk bo« filled with toilet water, soap, bath salts ond talcum. Shulton. ll Samba, sweetly scented cologne and both talc in 'Merry Christmas" heart leads to gay holiday From Hollywood. Christmas cheer in compact ^ , , ^. . , ^ , , , . cheer in compact £k ' !; prettily designed magenta ond rose bo«. Wrisley. packaged rouge, powder, and lipstick. Marvelous. box, pancake makeup, rouge, lipstick. Mo« Foctor. .U Navigator manicure kit in leather of printed Greetings with duo for hands and face, cleansing For under tree or toe of stocking. Sofskm Cre fabric with all nail groonning essentials. Cutex. cream and cake makeup with lanolin. Miner's. in starry Christmas dress, for hands and ski