Screenland (Jul–Dec 1946)

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Nightclub treat: Walter Wanger and Joan Bennett take daughter Diana to Mocambo for a glimpse of filmland's frivolities. Diana's a big girl now and certainly looks like her mother. Bert Friedlob and wife, Eleanor Parker, whose portrayal of Mildred in "Of Human Bondage" you'll be talking about. IF YOU want to make a hit with Nancy Guild, don't pronounce her last name incorrectly. The new charmer, who makes an impressive debut in ''Somewhere in the Night," pronounces it so it rhymes with Cornel Wilde's last name. There the resemblance stops! MARTHA VICKERS, star of five unreleased pictures at Warner Rros., is really in a spot. Her fan club insists that she start dating Van Johnson. She can't exactly call him up and ask if she can take him dancing! So what is a poor gal to do? Personal to Van: We've paved the way, howr's about it? w ITH a luncheon and fanfare becoming her position, featured player Anne Jeffreys became an RKO star. She gets top bilhng along with Pat O'Brien in "Riffraff" and thereby hangs a tale. The first bit she ever played was in a picture that starred Mrs. O'Brien's son. Now7 she's sharing honors with him. Pat sent her roses at the luncheon. Anne the sentimentalist sprinkled them with tears. COLUMBIA is frantically searching for a tootsie with taps. Ann Miller, who married Reese Milner the early part of this year, is expecting the stork. The studio can't sue a girl for that, so they've got to replace her in their musicals. Girl or boy, Linda Darnell is already scheduled to pla>r the role of godmother. SOMETIME next year, "Mourning Becomes Electra" will reach the screen. The deal is so close to being signed, sealed and delivered to RKO, we can just about promise that you'll be seeing Katharine Cornell in her first movie. Heaven only knows how long she's been flirting with the idea. Up 'till now she couldn't be persuaded. R' 'EMEMBER that handsome, rugged individual who was blackmailed by "Mildred Pierce's" daughter in you know what picture? His name is John Compton. He's a Tennessee farm hoy whose manly charms have caught their fancy out Republic Studios way. John is being launched as a young western star. He was practically born in a saddle. He used to trap mink for a living before he came to Hollywood. So far he isn't working on any gaf's fur coat. Heart-whole and fancy-free, that is! GORDON JONES of "My Sister Eileen" and "Male Animal" fame returned from a four-year stretch in India, as a Lieutenant-Colonel. In less time than it takes to tell he was cast to play opposite Ann Rutherford in Danny7 Kaye's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." The first day of shooting Ann confided that her nurse had quit, she had an important date and no one to sit with the baby. Gordon volunteered for the job and what's more, he showed up. "If only7 my boy s could see me now." he grinned, as he whipped up a formula. RED and only SKELTON insists that the one person to star in "Young Man with a Horn" is Jimmy Durante. He asked us to say it. With apologies to Cass Daley, we said it and we're gla-ad! WITH less publicity than almost anystar we know, the gal who really makes with the dates is one Evely n Keyes. She really is popular with the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood. Right now it's Bob Stack, recently out of the service and even handsomer than before, if such a thing is possible. Both blondes, both Romance? David Rose and June Haver. Below, Jack Carson, recently separated from his wife, with Janet Paige. bronzed hy the sun, both dancing cheek to cheek at Mocambo, what a sight for sightseers' eyes! Everyone just stopped and stared. THE PRESS agent who printed the loss of Greer Garson's Siamese cat did her no favor. The MGM mail room had to call on the humane society7 to pick up the various kinds and colors of kitties the Garson fans sent to their favorite star. i