Screenland (Jul–Dec 1946)

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SMARTEST FUR FASHIONS AT A GREAT SAVING TO YOU AMERICA'S LUXURY IEATH ERWEAR "INTIME" i m t e or Rugby Products Corp. 11 W. 32nd Street, New York "BEFORE & AFTER!" Read this new book about Plastic Reconstruction. Tells How oasy it Is for noses to be shaped— protruding tars, thick lips, wrinkles, and signs of age corrected. Also cleft palate, hare-lip and pendulous breasts. Plastie Surgery explained. Elaborate illustrations. 125 pages. Only 25e — mail coin or stamps. Glenville Publishers, 60 E. 42d St.. Dept. HA, New York 17. N. Y. 1 *H SONG WRITERS ATTENTION The amazing demand for phonograph records, accelerated by more than 300,000 Song-Hit creating Juke-Boxes, warrants your immediate investigation. We are offering song-poem writers the rare opportunity of having qualified composers furnish music for any approved poems received this month on percentage basis. Recola Itecording Co.. Box »87-S, Hollywood 28, Calif. Now She Shops "Cash And Carry Without Painful Backache Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes Bhows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait ! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. Doan's give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. 88 Irrepressible Pete Continued from page 37 The director of Keenan Wynn's last picture happened into the MGM commissary. Keenan was supposed to start retakes the next day. Peter sprang at him with the intent eagerness of a bloodhound that has suddenly sighted its quarry. "Too bad about Keenan," he said sympathetically. "What about him?" demanded the director. "He fractured his arm," Peter moaned elaborately. "Wh-what????" roared the director, "I haven't heard anything of it." "It only happened this morning." Peter mourned, returning to the table as the director listlessly pushed on to his own seat. A moment later he glanced toward the hapless victim of his prank. "Look at him," Peter exulted. "He's bleeding!" The young lady from the publicity department who arranges interviews between stars and writers approached the table. Peter bent his shoulder to the wheel once more. He had an interview set for that night with a writer from one of the "slicks." "Dottie," he said mournfully, "I'm afraid I won't be able to keep that interview tonight." The girl's hair rose. "Can't keep it!" she gasped. "Why the man is coming all the way in from Pasadena." "I know," Peter agreed in crestfallen tones, "but I just got word some friends of the family are arriving at 7:00 o'clock and I have to be at the station to meet them. You know what trains are these days. It might be nine or ten until they arrive. The worst of it is, I can't make it any other night this week, either." "But you'll lose the interview," she wailed. "I don't mind so much for myself," Peter assured her nobly, "I'm just afraid it might put you in a bad light with the front office. But I'll tell them it was my fault," he assured her magnanimously. The waitress approached the girl. "I don't think I care for any lunch," said Dottie, her voice trembling, as she pushed back her chair and rose. Peter must have felt a twinge of conscience for he got a fatuous expression on his face as he babbled "April Fool!" "You!" shrieked the girl. He has one of the most even dispositions I have ever come across. Even when he does blow up, it takes a long time for him to get really sore. And he can take a needling as well as dish it out. I decided to give him a dose of his own medicine and have a little sport with him. About an hour after lunch I made my way back to his set, my face looking (I hoped) like a thundercloud. "You back again?" he inquired amiably. "What kind of run-around are you trying to give me?" I barked. Peter's face took on an expression of concern. "What do you mean?" he countered nervously. "You know what I mean," I growled. "Pretending to be so friendly when I'm here, and then, the minute my back's ScREETTIjAND Direct from Manufacturer FURS Luxurious • Soft • Lovely Very Latest 1946-47 Styles Rich-looking COATS Pert, Smart JACKETS All fine furs! All styles! All sizes! AT PRICES YOU'LLTHRILLTO Today, write for FREE, Illustrated 1946-47 Catalog and Price List. 1/ r||T CUD PA 350 SEVENTH AVE. Atni run uu. NEW york i, n. y. TUTfENAIL. store cosmetic counter-^ VOGUE PRODUCTS SONG POEMS WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC Free Examination. Send Your Poems To J. CHAS. McNEIL A. B. MASTER OF MUSIC 51 0-V So. Alexandria Los Angeles 5, Calif. JACKASS CIGARETTE DISPENSER Something New/ 1000 LAUGHS NOVELTY 8ENSATI0N Lotf M fun for you and your friends. By pressing the head downward the jackass will extend a cigarette for your guests. Movable head and tall, design shows Mexican wearing large hat and shawl sitting on the jackass. Silk screen picture. Four flashy colors bring out every detail: A swell gift for anyone. Order now. Be the first to own one. Send cash or money order when ordering; you save postage and CCD. fee. Sent C.O.D. plus charge. PRICE $2.00. SPECIAL OFFER TWO FOR $3.50 $16.80 a doz. Special price In larger quantities. SPECIAL CIGARETTE LIGHTER, $1.00 Only One Sold With Bach "JACKASS CIGARETTE DISPENSER" FARLEY SINEATH manufacturing Noveltiet 800 Eighth Avenue, Department 10, New York 19, N. Y. PLASTIC MOVIE-OPS (Patent applied for) Third Dimension Glasses (front view) c MOVIE-OPS give depth to the pictures on the screen. The result is that the scenery and action are as natural as in real life. This doubles your enjoyment. Thrills galore are experienced. The sensational illusion of being right on the scene during breathtaking action, such as races, collisions, fires, etc., are as startling and exciting as if actually witnessed. These third dimension glasses will make possible for you and your friends the true appreciation of beautiful mountains, lakes, and rural scenes. They bring new realism and entertainment to movies and television. _ MOVIE-OPS COMPANY 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Send $3.00 (check or money order) or we will ship C.O.D. Your Name Street Address City and State