Screenland (Jul–Dec 1946)

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; the highly dramatic "Leave Her to Heaven," I got my first inspiration to write this ! letter. When the movie was partly over two | elderly ladies seated themselves in front of : us. One declared she had seen the movie, ■ and proceeded to tell its ending. She then discussed everything from Mrs. Jones' sore throat to President Truman's vacation, opened her purse about ten times, stood and removed her coat, and then proceeded to | tell of the actors' reputations. This, of course, is an excellent portrayal of an adult's behavior at the movies. It ah>o proves that even grown-ups have their faults. PEGGY QUIRK, Fort Wayne, Ind. MORE DRAMA FOR VAN Honorable Mention I would like to know why Van Johnson isn't given parts in which he will really have a chance to show his real acting ability. He surely proved, in "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo," that he is more than just a bobby-sox idol, but a really accomplished actor. I am only fifteen, definitely a Johnson fan in every sense of the word, and I'm not ashamed of my bobby-sox. I see all of Van's pictures about three times and I do enjoy them. He can play parts such as he had in "Thrill of a Romance" and "Easy to Wed" very well, but it doesn't require any difficult acting. Van has proved his loyalty in many instances, so why don't the big officials at MGM do the same and give Van more chances to act? Thanks for letting me get this off my ' chest. VIRGINIA DU CHENE, Ontario, Calif. / Hi 1§£ SLIPS • GOWNS • PANTIES Luxuriously tailored underthings . . . fashioned to flatter ... in an attractive variety of styles and fabrics. Be sure it's Blue Swan when you shop for them at your favorite store. BLUE SWAN MILLS A DIVISION OF THE McKAY PRODUCTS CORP. EMPIRE STATE BLDG. NEW YORK CITY / / / / 1§£ |§£ m 1§£ SCREENLAND 23