Screenland (Nov 1950-Oct 1951)

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THE SKIN NOBODY LOVES! Pimples and Rashes Cancel out Romance! Why neglect an externally-caused pimply, broken-out, blotchy skin that nobody loves to touch? Get Poslam Ointment — apply this wonderful medication tonight — then, examine your skin in the morning! Check the results after just one application. Contains 9 Ingredients! Because Poslam Ointment contains all NINE OF THE INGREDIENTS well known to skin specialists, it works faster, more effectively to help you to a finer, clearer complexion. Apply it after washing with non-alkali Poslam Soap, it must delight you or your money back. Poslam Ointment costs only 60<! at drug stores. SONGS PUBLISHED ADVANCE ROYALTY PAID YEARLY SONGWRITERS Send your songs or poems today. Music written for your words without charge'. Records, copies, copyright furnished. We have helped many new writers find their first success. Let us try to help you. HOLLYWOOD TUNESMITHS 1 558 N.VineSt. . Dept. 5-1, Hollywood 28, Cal. FREE PHOTO DIRECT FROM HOLLYWOOD LARGE SIZE OF YOUR FAVORITE | MOVIE STAR (DELUXE TYPE — Suitable for Framing; SPECIAL OFFER— FOR LIMITED TIMti ONLY With Photo, you will also receive FREE CATALOG listing ALL stars plus 14 ADDITIONAL PICTURES of popular stars on rnvpr. Also tells how to get ADDRESSES, BIRTHDAYS, anrt photos oi STARS* HOMES. Send name of your favorite star and only 1 5c for handling. HOLLYWOOD FILM STAR CENTER Box 2309, Dept. K-91, Hollywood 28, Calif. High School at Home No classes . . . interesting spare -time home study; standard texts; credit for previous schooling;; diploma awarded. Equivalent to resident school work. If you've completed 8th grade and are over 17, write for free catalog. Address WAYNE SCHOOL Dept. HAL-3, 2527 Sheffield Ave. Chicago 14, Illinois SOMETHING NEW and SENSATIONAL in CHRISTMAS CARDS Superb Satin Velour & Metallic Show Rich New Cards never beforeoffered. Amazing Value! Gets Easy orders FASTI Pays np to 100% Cash Profit. FREE Samples of 30 Goreeoas Christmas Cards With Name 60 for$1.25up. 80 Assortments. Personalized Book Matches. Stationery, Gift I c-ms.PlayintrCards. Several SI Boxes on .-»pproval . WRITE TODAY!. PURO CO., 2801 Locust, Dept. 121-L, St. Louis 3, Mo. } Make Money and Friends as a ; i \ PRACTICAL NURSE LEARN AT HOME-EARN WHILE LEARNING chool of approved liner aX home to women and girl* to help fill waittn* demand for nurses. Thousands needed at once. High school not necessary. No age limit. Sample Lesson Free. Rush name on lc postcard. POST GRADUATE HOSPITAL SCHOOL of NURSING 79 Auditorium Bldg., Chicago S, III. EXCLUSIVE PERSONALIZED GIFTS BIG MONEY FOR SPARE TIME Show FREESampleB of Name-Imprinted and Seal Stationery. Gold-Stamped Playing Cards, Napkins, Pencils, and other EXCLUSIVES. Friends.others buy fast. BIG LINE of CHRISTMAS CARDS! Up to 100% cash profit! EmbosBed Name-Imprinted Christmas Cards, 60 for $1.25, up. Complete selection fa.ntBellinfr Assortments. Get Assortments on approval, Imprint Samples Free. HERALD GREETINGS, Dept. CI9 1702 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Oh 68 Came Home.' 1 realize that you were merely enacting a part, but you couldn't go through those experiences, even in a picture sense, without realizing something of what internment meant. You see, my husband and I were interned in Santa Tomas. He died shortly before we were liberated. When I came home, I found no one, not even the members of my family, could be made to understand what had happened to those of us who were prisoners. I had no words to explain, and I know that sometimes my nervous problems were a trial to my relatives. However, after we saw your picture, the attitude of my family changed. They had come to realize what I had been unable to describe to them. Thank you so much for bringing Agnes Keith's story to the screen." And, once again, Miss Colbert found her handkerchief useful. Of course, there are times when these confidences can be irritating. Claudette was on her way to keep a dental appointment one afternoon, when she was stopped by an elderly gentleman who had just seen a sneak preview of the newest Colbert picture, "Thunder On The Hill." The picture's situation is brought about by a flood, which reminded Grandfather of the flood through which he had lived in the Spring of 1886. Under other circumstances, Claudette might have been fascinated, but she could imagine the scowl on her dentist's face as the moments fled; however, whenever she backed away she was closely followed bv the patriarch in his mental canoe. Finally, she effected her escape, but not until that bygone sun of 1886 came out and began to dry her persistent reporter. Popular interest in the Colbert coiffeur is extensive. Claudette has grown accustomed to hearing testimony from two opposed schools of thought. Again and again, someone has joined Claudette for a dozen paces as she walked down the street in New York, to say, "Whatever you do, don't change the style of your hair. It's perfect for you." Or, "Please, Miss Colbert, won't you have your hair done a new way? We're tired of it." The latter plaint is in the minority. The interesting truth is that Claudette has changed the appearance of her hair slightly a number of times, but no one seems to have noticed. In general, the Colbert bob has served as a trademark too long to be abandoned now. At times, the camaraderie which her fans feel for Claudette has proved embarrassing. Take, for instance, l'affaire Tang Dynasty. A few years ago, Claudette developed an intense interest in authentic Ming and Tang Dynasty figurines and began to collect them — a slow and delicate task. She was in a New York auction studio one afternoon, bidding on a rare figure which had been acquired from an estate, when she realized that she had an adversary. Her every bid was upped by another woman. Finally and ruefully, Claudette decided that the price had gone beyond sense, so she gave up and the other woman secured the prize. This happy victor paused beside Claudette to explain, "I've always admired you and wanted to be like you. I'm sorry to have outbid you, but if you have a collection of these figures, I wanted to start one also." All is not sweetness and light in the life of a picture star. When Claudette attended the Kentucky Derby, she was asked by the track officials to refrain from giving autographs because the giving of same would cause a traffic jam. Naturally, she complied. Most of those who asked for an autograph accepted Claudette's refusal and explanation with understanding, but one woman called back, "All right for you. I'll never buy another theatre ticket to see one of your pictures, no matter how good the picture is. Never." Then she delivered the haymaker. "Furthermore," she shouted, "I'll never speak to you again as long as I live." One dissenter out of one hundred and forty million people who seem happily prepared to talk to Miss Colbert whenever and wherever they see her strikes no one, not even friendly Claudette, as being a bad average. What Hollywood Itself Is Talking About! Continued from page 18 man was emoting properly that she couldn't concentrate on her own lines. Besides, said she. the kid is still an unknown actor — and he's nearly a year old already. * # * Be an actor and see the world, mostly without your new bride, seems to be the fate of Gary Merrill. After he and Bctte Davis made the big splash in "All About Eve," Gary was sent to Munich for "Decision Before Dawn." Next he went to Florida for "Frogmen," then to London where the Merrills teamed for "Another Man's Poison." On his arrival in Hollywood, 20th had further news for him. His next located in Canada for an Indian picture called "Mounted Patrol." Debra Paget, the little gal who played Indian in "Broken Arrow," is Gary's visa-vis. Debra, who graduated from the Hollywood Professional School at the age of seventeen, received the school's highest achievement award because of her success in pictures, plus a straight A average in her grades. '* • * # Stanley Kramer has proved he's a daring young man in the producing end of movies, with "Lost Boundaries" and "The Champion." He's about to get more daring with a real innovation in movie-making. His latest idea, called "Four Poster," has only two in the cast — Rex Harrison