Screenland (Nov 1950-Oct 1951)

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drunken driving accident and resigns his position at the college. When he's about to deliver his coup de grace, Nancy intervenes with proof that Milland isn't alone in his world of emptiness — others have gone through it, too, and survived. The Guy Who Came Back 20th Century-Fox A PROFESSIONAL football star, Paul Douglas, is caught up by age and ready for the bench. Actually, it could be worse, for Douglas still has his wife, Joan Bennett, who loves him despite their separation. Also on hand to comfort him is Linda Darnell. Tempting as Linda is, Douglas wants Joan and their young son back. The only way he can bring this about is by getting an honorable job. He tries the Navy, and desperate though they were at the beginning of World War II, Douglas gets turned down because of a bum ankle. It takes one last football game to get his rough course smoothed out, his wife back and competition Don DeFore nullified. The Frogmen 20th Century-Fox RICHARD WIDMARK, Dana Andrews and Gary Merrill star in this saga devoted to the operations of a generally unknown and unsung branch of the Navy — the Underwater Demolition Teams. Based on authentic wartime in cidents, Widmark leads his men in a series of gruelling underwater demolition assignments against the Japanese. At times, the unbelievable feats performed by the Frogmen are more chilling than a plunge into the Atlantic Ocean in midDecember. To keep from being a documentary, there's a thin thread of a story that has to do with the men's attitude toward Widmark — they don't like him. However, that matter is cleared up when Andrews saves Widmark 's life. Mark Of The Renegade (Technicolor) Universal-International SUPPOSEDLY branded on the forehead and banished from Mexico for life, renegade Ricardo Montalban arrives in California only to be blackmailed by Gilbert Roland. What a way to be blackmailed! Montalban is forced to meet and marry Cyd Charisse! The object being: when Cyd's wealthy influential father finds out she married an outlaw, he'll be so disgraced that his honest political movement will fail. Then. Roland can move in with his evil ambition. Sounds like all the fixings for an exciting clambake— and it is. to the very last duel and flash of a defiant dark brown eye. Sirocco Columbia THE Middle East is again a hotbed of intrigue and tension as it was in 1925 when in Damascus the Nationalists were attempting to rid the territory of French occupation troops. An American expatriot, Humphrey Bogart, is making a fast, surreptitious fortune by smuggling guns and ammunition to the natives. He doesn't care how he gets his money, but Colonel Lee J. Cobb does. As long as the natives are supplied with weapons, the unnecessary bloodshed on both sides will continue. Nor is the war Cobb's only worry. His mistress, Marta Toren, starts casting a predatory glance in Bogie's affluent direction. Neither one, ornery Bogie nor sultry Marta, listens to Cobb, but both are made to wish they had. Warpath (Technicolor) Paramount EX-CIVIL War Captain Edmund O'Brien has but one thought: to find the three men who murdered his fiancee. After eleven years of trailing the trio, O'Brien finds one of the men, shoots him, then before rigor mortis sets in learns the other two are in the Cavalry. Back to the Army and on with the case! The only pleasant thing that happens to O'Brien at the Army post is Polly Bergen, daughter of storekeeper Dean Jagger. The worst thing that happens to him is Forrest Tucker — a sergeant. The plot begins to thicken when Tucker takes a shot at O'Brien and Jagger starts to get a seemingly unaccountable case of Reducing Specialist Says: Wljere LOSE WEIGHT tr ELECTRIC f Like a magic wand, the "Spot Reducer MHHHMBni MOST ANY PART OF THE BODY WITH Relaxing • Soothing Penetrating Massage ACHES AND PAINS ■CAN'T SLEEP: Rela» with electric Spot Reducer. 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