Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1952 - Oct 1953)

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Plays Pieces "Was able to play many pieces in a short time. Family and friends surprised! Play for social functions, dances." — PeterH.Kozyra, Manitoba, Canada Excels Friend Who Has Teacher "I didn't know a note. Now I play for parties. A friend (taking lessons from private teacher same length of time) is still doing simple exercises." — Marie Van Hulle, Manitoba, Canada. Now Invited Out Lots "It's been fun. Hasn't cost anywhere near as much as priv a t e teacher. Now invited to affairs, dances," — Howard Hopkins, E. Syracuse, N. Y. "Didn't Know A Note" "I didn't know a note. Now I play many selections, to the delight of [ friends and relatives." — Lawrence M. Deno, West Chazy, N. Y. Progresses Rapidly How rapidly I progressing! Lessons so simple, anyone can understand them." — Anrew SchneiHanna, Wyoming. Family and Friends Surprised ft "I, my family and friends are surprised at my rapid progress!" — Pearlie May Clay, Center, Tex. Learns Faster Without Teacher "Have no special talent— but now I jgk play guitar better than many who '$ r ^ have had teachers Jor longer time." —Myrella-Muquette SaintAndre, Montreal. 'Friends Were Amazed" "Didn't know a note on piano. In short time I could play simple hymn s . Friends were lamazed. Now entertain at parties, play at church." — Samuel Moses, Mt. Vernon, Term. "How Happy I Am" "How happy I am, I play for parties, entertainments. Never once thought I would be able to play the piano. Thanks a million!" — Cora Franklin Duke, Bumpass, Va. 13-Year-0ld Learns "Never took lessons before. Now play better than friends (with private teachers) who began same time I did."— Joan Lueck, Big Stone, S. Dak. "Easy as Falling Off Log' ^■tk, "Easy as falling off log. Have alw a y s wanted to play. Now my dream is It being ful filled." Mrs. Phyllis B. Jones, Blanding, Utah. Wins Get With Friends — — "Bet friends I could learn piano quick 1 1 y . Last _ a st — ight, one said, 'Why, sounds like you He Makes Many ^^^^BW^^^^ [— ■ «<| New Friend^ MB I 1 been playing years!' " — Louise j-. ' > * ' , v e or "Now Play Any Piece I Like" "Never studied music before. Your method ;s easy! & Now -nrP play any piece r^^I like." — Rose Boyer, Blackwell, Mo. "Never Dreamed I Would Play" "Wouldn't have believed . it possible — J learning to play in such a short time. Friends can't JB^.'":, get over it — think it's me, but it's your wonderfuWessons.'"— Eileen Turner, St. Victor, Canada. Plays for Church "I'm 12 years old. I have played for our church."— Patsy Jeilrey, Sweetwater, Tex. y -As expiated ***tt£&~ fluent the" COUld' i, inctatas h0UT wn u fashioned way <-« do Unlike the °^ *f scales or «^epieces You sitnp'j °^ , Censitue ciy <-tet> ot clear Pictures gu ^ ^ * pos you'd eve*d yourseli sible' y°^ns waltzes, playing hy^s^ Mail this for FREE BOOK hers, * ° Partf^W cents a lesson. cost is only a few soN.SANVPLE interesting 3 o pas ture Les*° BOOK telling a U s,„dio B36U . Ichool of Mus%. v. (Special ;ort Washington. N _(s to deduced Pr-ces °n ins nQw.n0ur 54th successiui y J.S. School Of Music, Studio B3611, Port Washington, N. Y. ( Send me FREE BOOK and FREE Lesson-Sample. _ No obligation-and no salesman is to call upon me. r ' in playing (name instrument) | I ino ooiigation| I'm interested I | □ "i do | Name I Address I City • (Please state Zone No. (II any) I □ I do nof— have instrument now. (Please Print) State "Enjoyed Every Step" "Enjoyed every step of the way. Friends can't get w over the ^^wj^*^"*"^ improvement made in such a short time." — Helen Prevas, New Castle, Del. Never Believed It Possible "Never dreamed I would ever play. I didn't know one note. Today I play deft lightful pieces." — Mrs. Dallas B. Kerk, Lodgepole, Nebr. m y ''Got ., start with a U. S. School Course. It's easy to learn to read notes and play this 'teach yourself way!"— Lawrence Welk, wellknown orchestra leader. 51