Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1952 - Oct 1953)

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CHEW SPECIAL FORMULA" CHEWING GUM! Reduce UP TO 5lbs. A WEEK WITH DOCTOR'S PLAN! NOW — at last — a new, scientific idea which guarantees you can lose as much weight as you wish — or you DON'T PAY A PENNY ! The wonderful part is that it is so simple ... so very easy and safe to lose those ugly, fatty bulges on hips, abdomen, chin, neck, bust, arms, thighs, legs, etc. The results of lost weight by normally overweight men and women are really amazing. No hardship, no exhausting exercises, drugs or laxatives. Here's the new, modern way to reduce ... to acquire an improved figure and the slimmer, exciting, more graceful silhouette you've dreamed about. Simply chew Special Formula Chewing Gum and follow the Doctor's Plan. This tasty wholesome Chewing Gum possesses Sorbitol, is sugar-free, and reduces appetite. Sorbitol is a new discovery and contains no fat and no available carbohydrates. Just chew this delicious gum and reduce with the Doctor's Plan. If your heart's desire is a slender, beautiful attractive figure — if you want more popularity, friends, romance — then start today! Doctor's Plan will amaze you. Try it for only 10 days, then step on the scale. You will hardly believe your eyes. The important thing is to start ... so MAIL COUPON BELOW TODAY! FR££ A full 12-day supply package ^ will be given FREE with each order of 24-day supply for $2.00. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Let your scale prove you can lose weight and acquire a slimmer attractive figure. A j 10-day trial must convince you OR NO COST. DOCTOR'S PLAN, Dept. SA-1 P.O. BOX 787, NEWARK 1, N.J. □ I enclose $1.00. Please send full 12-day package of Doctor's Plan & Special Formula Chewing Gum. G I enclose $2.00 cash, check or money order. Please rush the full 24-day supply PLUS the FREE 12-day package. NAME „ ADDRESS. CITY : STATE (If C. O. D., postage and mailing charges extra)