Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1952 - Oct 1953)

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assess Her lips said "no" — but her eyes said "yes"!— from "The Saracen Blade Thousonds Paid $20.50 for these 9 Best-Selling Books | -BufTOUGef Then, f.r/«5f$I.49onTfc,s Offer MV COUS1N RACHEL eou^But I dv DaP^"^df"fiaacnel ^er own servant girl| -Was beautiful Rachel ^ therr^set i an angel or aaev her own 8biv<w« when both of them set PIPER, "b» Agnes de Mille The true-life ftory of America ■ First Lady of the Bali,","nE b« FranK, let from her BOJ|eLrbv Many women j d childhood to loved PietrodiDonati, hJer success with but the only woman .. Oklahoma/ ^ethefamourauthor of "Rebecca. THE SARACEN 1 BLADE, by Frank he wanted hated him By author of "A Worn an Called Fancy. CAPTAIN MAROONER by Davidson and naherty-Cou\d the bew?tching native woman make him forget the Sri he left behind? And would the crew really go through with mutiny? , WINDOM'S WAY, bl/ FETISH, btf Cftristine G^rnier-Black Magic and hate in a steaming jS?gle-where a beautiful native girl reVerts to primitive ways to get revenge on the man she loves. DEVIL'S BRIDGE by Mary Deasv-Leo Sanger's wife offered him love a home and a family.But the "other WINDOM'S WAY, by family. But tne uu^ James Ramsey Ullman woman" offered him -People said Dr. Win tne realization ol a dom was a fool to leave li£e-long dream, his rich wife until „ E G 0 W N O F she followed him and G L 0 R Y, by A 9 nes _ , j., i. v*/* fmirifi - ■ *** learned that he found something all her money couldn't buy. QUEEN'S GIFT, by Inalis Fletcher -Lady Anne Stuart learned struggles tbout love in Europe's umphs. 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