Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1952 - Oct 1953)

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when a gesture or tone of voice was used, what response the audience would have ' to that gesture or tone." Today, Robert Montgomery recognizes that the mechanical media— motion pictures, television, radio — do not give the essential opportunities for training, because the player is not really facing an audience. So Elizabeth was told to choose a school where she could get basic training, and go on from there. "Elizabeth went on from there with intelligence," concedes her father. "She joined young Phil Barry's Easthampton stock company, where she was plunged into problems not only of acting but of production. She had the opportunity of playing small parts, watching some very good experienced people at work, and she had the glorious chance of painting a considerable amount of scenery." Wonderful experience for the charming Elizabeth Montgomery was playing a small part in "Brigadoon," and opposite Luise Rainer enacting the ingenue in "Biography." "The rest of the time," says her father, in undisguised satisfaction, "Elizabeth did everything, including selling soda pop in front of the theatre. It was a good move — because it meant that she served her apprenticeship before her senior year at the Academy." Just how far Robert Montgomery will go in helping his daughter along the hard, rocky road to potential stage fame, is worth recounting. "I like to think I'm a wise father (although I'm sure I'm not)," he philosophizes. "My attitude toward Elizabeth's decisions is that they are hers and hers alone. While I'm always available for discussion of her problems, the decisions as to whether she will follow my advice or her own ideas, are entirely up to her." Robert Montgomery recognizes, and is grateful, that Elizabeth is an adult human being in many respects, and capable of making her own decisions in regard to her career. "It would be perfectly ridiculous for me to set myself up as an oracle. I wouldn't be helping her; I'd simply be hurting her." Most of all, he hopes that Elizabeth will evaluate correctly the meaning of applause — its stimulation, its excitement, and also its unreality. "While it may be wise for anyone in the acting profession to enjoy it, it may also be healthy if one would never quite believe it. I hope that Elizabeth will never see applause as the beginning or end of the picture of success." And in conclusion Robert Montgomery sums up his relationship to Elizabeth Montgomery as far as a stage career is concerned. "I think my daughter considers me merely as part of the audience while she's on stage. I think she would like to hear me say I liked her performance, but I don't think she'd be heartbroken if the audience liked her — and I didn't!" END MAGGI'S PRIVATE WIRE [CONTINUED FROM PACE 47] doesn't mind it a bit that Desi enjoys the smoke himself because two days before, on the 17th of every month, he sends Lucy two dozen red roses as a remembrance of the July 17, 1951 birth of their daughter Lucie Desiree . . . There will be no more ice skating for Arthur Godfrey for a long time to come, according to his doctor. For his next annual TV Ice Show, the humorist will be confined to a horse-drawn sleigh . . . It isn't iust because he's starred on TV as Wild Bill Hickok that Guy Madison doesn't drink or smoke — he just doesn't care to. He prefers milk at any hour of the day or night, and chewing gum continuously . . . Dorothy (Kilgallen) and Dick (Kollmar) plan a TV series based along the lines of their daily radio show, "Dorothy & Dick," with a completely equipped studio being erected in the new Kollmar town house on Gotham's smart East Side . . . Harry James termed it "merely fantastic," the night his band opened at the Hotel Astor Roof in Manhattan, when Hollywood friends gathered at one table and tried to break him up in between dance sets — Tony and Janet Leigh Cur tis, Vic Damone, Jerry Lewis and Paul Winchell were the friendly culprits. Winchell brought along his sidekick, dummy Jerry Mahoney, and from the ringside table heckled the good-natured Harry as he danced by with wife Betty Grable. The repartee became so hilarious, Mrs. J. laughed so hard she cried . . . What a TV comedy bit that would have made! . . . Marie Wilson declined a six weeks "all expenses paid" trip in Peru because her husband, TV producer Bob Fallon, couldn't rearrange his busy production schedule. The South American offer still stands, at this writing, and the Fallon family may accept at a later date should they find themselves in a second honeymoon holiday mood . . . Bennett (""What's My Line?") Cerf has hit the jackpot with his latest book entitled, "Good For A Laugh." Published by Hanover House, one of the funniest anecdotes in the collection is a particular favorite of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen's, to wit: -Fulton J. Sheen relates that shortly after his elevation to the rank of Bishop, he made the first of his many appearances on television, and stopped for a cup of coffee at the drugstore in the building where the studio was located, with his red cape already in place. 100 Movie Star Pictures FREE! To every member, 100 BIG 3'/ix5y2 glossy autographed printed portraits of Hollywood's TOP STARS. Worth many times the small membership fee. Money-back guarantee! YOURS FREE — simply by joining Hollywood's newest, biggest fan club. SUNSET FAN CLUB MEMBERSHIP Only $1.00. All of Hollywood's TOP NAMES— Look At This List! • 100 Movie Star Pictures •Lifetime Membership Card • Inside Stories of Your Favorite Stars . CUP AND MAIL TODAY! SLNSi T FAN CLUB, Dept. H, 365 S. 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Print name plainly. Don't delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores and leading Druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 3925 Strathmoor Station, Dept. 1707, Detroit 27, Mich. UNWANTED HAIR ? IT'S OFF because IT'S OUT Quick as a wink, superfluous hair eliminated. Completely removes all hair from FACE, arms and legs. Checks future growth. Leaves the skin petal-smooth. EE F= I L. A T O R Like magic, Milady's skin becomes adorable. For the finest down or the heaviest growth. Seems miraculous, but our 39 years experience proves it is the scientifically correct way. Odorless. Safe. Harmless. Simple to apply. Superior to ordinary hair removers. For 15 years ZiP Epilatorwas $5.00. NOW ONLY$1.10. Same superior formula, same size. Good stores or by mail $1.10 or LC.O.D. No Fed. tax. Above guaranteed, money-back, j JORDEAU INC. Box J-33, SOUTH ORANGE, N.J.^ Lovely Birthstone Ring t£/ made in V40 14k roUed GOLD A neat design, attractive looking, plate with simulated Birthstone set — Your Size and Month for selling $1.00 worth of Rosebud Products. Order 4 boxes Rosebud Salve to sell at 25£ a box or 2 bottles Rosebud Perfume to sell at 50^ per bottle. "Easy to sell. " Established 6fi years. Send NO Money— We ti ust you. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO. 2 Woodsboro, Maryland. 69