Screenland Plus TV-Land (Jul 1959 - May 1960)

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By SAL MINEO Help me find a wife 77 Sal's not interested in marrying an actress; he'd like to meet a girl outside movies who'll like him just for himself. He'll welcome suggestions L SAt believes actresses are too wrapped up in their careers to make good wives. Trouble is, he has so little time to meet others. LT'S NOT easy for an actor to find a wife. In fact, it's almost impossible! I don't mean it's hard to get married. Actors do it every week. The trouble is — they get divorced just as frequently, and that's what I don't want to happen to me. But that's precisely what would happen if I married an actress. I can tell that by mv experiences with them already . . . The other day, for instance. I was having dinner with an exciting brunette whose name is well known. We'd been out together quite a lot. and always had a good time, but we'd never had any serious discussions. There was no need for it. However, this time there was. I'd had a difficult day at the studio. Some problems arose about my next picture. "A Private's Affair," as well as with my forthcoming trip to Australia. And I felt like talking about it. But every time I broached the subject, she had something more urgent on her mind about her career. I could neither blame her nor hold it against her. If she wants to get ahead as an actress, she has to give the profession her all. It 's that tough, that competitive, that time-consuming. I don't mind as long as we are just dating. It's a different story when marriage gets into the picture. Nor was this girl the exception. About nine months ago. I had a big crush on another actress. We didn't get engaged — but we had reached the point where we discussed marriage in general. She was all in favor of it, except for one condition: no children while she tried to get more fully established. So why get married in the first place? There was some such drawback with every actress I ever dated. One girl was so set on her appearance, because she "just had to make a good impression in continued on page 27 photos by Gene Trindl, Topix