Screenland Plus TV-Land (Jul 1959 - May 1960)

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HOLLYWOOD LOVE LIFE continued he'd like to have his name publicized," says she demurely. TOGETHER— Peter Graves is very concerned over the marital problems of brother Jim Arness. To avoid any possibility of trouble in his own happy marriage, sometimes caused by a long separation, Peter had his wife Joan and their three daughters go with him to Australia for the duration of shooting his new "Whiplash" TV series there. He writes from Sydney: "After five years of 'Fury', Fm used to competing with a horse and a small boy. But how do I go about stealing scenes from a kangaroo?"' GREAT DATE — Bob Horton had a letter from his English fan club informing him there are now 5,000 members — all girls — in London and asking that he come over to visit. Says the "Wagon Train" star, "I can hardly wait. Wotta deal for a bachelor!"' Cindy Robbins, his favorite date, decided to stay in New York for a while although the Broadway show in which she was appearing folded. HAPPY DAYS— Fabian will be back in Our Town when you read this, to do "Daddy-O" with Bing Crosby and the teenagers will be happy, happy, happy. The young singer managed to find time during his p.a. tours to drop post cards to all his Hollywood dates — including Annette Funicello, Kathy Kersh, Judy Harriet and Wendy Human, the cute local Masters Of The Congo Jungle BECAUSE even the jungle must eventually succumb to progress, this was made to capture all the essence and meaning of life in the Belgian Congo as it's lived today. Narrated with restrained eloquence and understanding by Orson Welles, this is a joy to the senses. For 94 minutes you are off in a Technicolor wonderland where values have been rubbed down to the essentials by nature. Here, man is not an exalted being, merely part of the tangled growth, the sounds, and the movements of the jungle. Like the animals and wild things around him, he has nothing to help him survive except that which nature gave him. Yet with all that he doesn't have, these people, with their scarred, pitted faces, used bodies, and rotted teeth, have a great perception we have lost: they accept nature without trying to change the pattern. Filmed in Deluxe color, this is truly a timeless masterpiece that should win many awards. (20th Century-Fox.) 56 high school girl who interviewed him. He later took her to the Cocoanut Grove and he arranged by long distance with his studio to have her especially invited to the first preview of his first picture, "The Hound Dog Man". He's a very thoughtful boy. Wendy, quite understandably, thinks he's The Most. NO DIET PROBLEM — Roger Moore's wife, Dorothy, went to England for a five-week visit with relatives but returned to spend the holidays here with him — and brought his parents ivith her as a surprise. Roger says he has no desire to return to England. He's really hit his stride here, is great in "The Miracle'' and "Rachel Cade'' and has won flocks of femme fans with his "Alaskans'' series. He really burns up energy. After a big steak lunch he crams his pockets with candy bars to eat during the afternoon. And he doesn't gain an ounce! NO DECISION— Vera Miles returned from her three-month's "Jovanka" location in Europe and immediately started working in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho". She refuses to discuss possible reconciliation or divorce with Gordon Scott until she finishes this film. She says the separation is "amicable" — which, of course, can mean anything. BABY TALK — Ty Hardin has been bus tin his buttons with pride since wife Andra Martin presented him with twins John and Jeff. Andra' s Swedish mother, who has been visiting them, calls the babies "Yon' and "YefJ." END The Subterraneans WELL, the beatniks finally made it — a picture all their very own. Representing a rather healthy aspect of this new beat generation is George Peppard. An aspiring novelist, his mother, Anne Seymour, wants better he should get a steady job and settle down. When the poor woman said settle down, she didn't mean like living in cellars which is what happens to Peppard once he meets Leslie Caron, beautiful but beat. Together they slither from cellar dive to coffee house then on to the fresh clean air of a shadedrawn basement apartment. Interrupting this underground idyll, Janice Rule has a collection of repressions Peppard feels he must help her overcome. An analyst, a yogi soothsayer, and a saxophonistturned-minister try to get Leslie and Peppard's gears to mesh again, but wouldn't you know it! It takes a simple, basic fact to turn the trick. Entertainment, similar in quality, may be had any humid, dank afternoon turning over rocks. (MGM.) Suddenly, Last Summer AGAIN playwright Tennessee William shows his talent for dealing with tli rotten, soft, underside of a facet c j life humanity can do without. And agai , Elizabeth Taylor shows her incredibl aptitude for portraying a beautiful wea victim of destiny. Without the audienc ever seeing the face of brilliant young poe Sebastian Venable in the film, but havin watched his mother, Katharine Hepburi you know there's a hidden basis for th murky under-current of suspicion an evil surrounding his untimely death. Wha happened during his holiday wit Cousin Liz at a Spanish seasid resort sounds so bizarre and insane Katharine has Elizabeth committed t ; psychiatric care. Fortunately, Dr. Mon gomery Clift believes his patient san i and one life is rescued from this cess pool of depravity. Well done drama wit some staggering twists. (Columbia.) The Flying Fontaines TALENTED though he is flitting froi trapeze to trapeze, Michael Calla is slightly unbalanced character-wise. H has an idea his father, a retired aerialis is jealous of his talent. Then there's thi thing with high flying Evy Norlund — wh she goes for Rian Garrick, another aeria ist, well — some girls just don't know froi , nothin'. One fine Technicolored da] while feeling sorry for himself,. Nothin i Callan, drunk as a lord, causes a nea fatal accident to Garrick. Papa disowr • him. Evy is as an icicle, and Garric : will never fly again, but luck boots Ca lan to fame. Evy's father hires him fc the act. Callan is terrific! Stupendou: Colossal! But still a bum. However, whe a vengeful Garrick reappears, Callan b comes living proof that there's nothin, like a good fall on the head to brin some to their senses. (Columbia.) Goliath And The Barbarians FORTUNATELY for Steve Reeve! legend has provided enough muscl: men to keep him in business for year This time, to revenge his father's brut; murder and the horrible destruction c his village, Goliath Reeves takes on th job of ridding 5th Century Italy of wil Barbarians led by Bruce Cabot. To a<j complish this, he goes through all sor >. of feats of strength. Yet with all h aversion for the Barbarians there are rw items he'd be crazy not to keep fc Italian posterity: the orgy dances, an Chelo Alonso, an ex-"Follies Bergere dancer so unaccustomed to clothing th; she's constantly spilling out of her Ba barian duds. Just as this utilizes ever one of Reeve's living muscles, the Tota scope Color camera never skips over puddle of blood. So what if the dubbir gets a teensy bit out of sync, or if th production is a bit rough around th edges, live a little in your imaginatioi kid. (American-International.) EN Coming Attractions continued from page 54