Screenland Plus TV-Land (Jul 1959 - May 1960)

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The Three Charlton Hestons continued from page 43 i "i because I know it's true. Lydia has in me that sense of security. 'And she has also given me my son." ■ the role of Fraser's father, the third rlton Heston emerges. ITie greatest thing to me about having 3n is that you have fulfilled man's t primal desire — for immortality," he with feeling. "You live over again ugh your son. There is also quite a ilenge in trying to be the kind of man r son thinks you are. It's easier to let one else in the world down than it is jlisappoint your boy. iFraser, to me, represents the only eleit in my life outside my work and my who is really part of my work, that any significance. Being a father has lie me, I hope, a well-rounded man. It's quite a temptation for me to want Sfif ;ive Fraser all kinds of things, to spoil rail. I try to avoid this, but I must admit 11 jt somehow or other he has managed to n»yuire, among other things, the largest afl r ection of imitation firearms west of n Pecos. He happened to visit me when Mms making a Western and he became, t afraid, a permanent cowboy. Fraser loves to come on the sets. Of \t rse, you know he is a retired actor. He Aft' the baby Moses in 'The Ten Comatn ndments', and I invested his salary in amount stock. From that investment mr may yet earn enough to pay for his tjijijlege education." iWwhen it comes to discipline, Chuck is iiu ibably a little more stern than Lydia is. ; | ?'s a pushover for the little boy's charm, t, Chuck doesn't believe in harsh disline and he avoids punishment, mainly ause it's too hard on him. 'I don't go for corporal punishment," uck grinned, "because I figure that if KING a father has made me, I hope, a l-rounded man," says Charlton Heston. it's hard for me to spank him, it must be harder for him to take it. So I prefer to deprive him of things if he's really pulled a bad one." Fraser is quite an extraordinary hoy. He has very definite opinions and he comes up with some amazing remarks. He and Lydia were returning from New York recently by jet — Chuck had to remain for some business — and dinner was just being served. The trays were neatly attached to the seats and right at that moment little Fraser announced he had to go to the bathroom. "Oh, can't you wait?" Lydia asked. "They'll have to take all the trays down." With complete candor, Fraser answered, "Mummy, Dr. Spock says you're not supposed to wait." (Dr. Spock is, of course, a noted authority on the bringing up of children.) There was also the time in Europe when Lydia and Chuck took Fraser to a magnificent old cathedral. They arrived for the Evensong service and before going in. Lydia had impressed upon Fraser that he must be quiet because, "We're going into God's house." The choir was singing in an awe-inspiring way as they sat down. Fraser listened intently and never uttered a word. As they left the church, he said in a whisper, "We've got to ask God to come to our house some day." Lydia and Chuck could only smile back at him. The words had somehow become choked up inside them. Spiritual values are amon<* the ideals that Chuck is trying to instill in Fraser. But the most important lesson he wants to teach him is one Chuck learned for himself— the hard way. "I want him to learn to accept responsibility for whatever happens to him," Chuck said. "It seems to me one of the prime signs of our time — and perhaps the primary law in our society — is the ready resources most people have for finding a scapegoat for every bad break in their lives. If something goes wrong, for you, it really doesn't matter whose fault it is and it's the weakest kind of immaturity to waste time trying to put blame, instead of working your way out of it. I hope Fray can learni fhis earlier than I did. I first had it brought home to me in a very trivial way just after I got out of the Army when the war was over. I was doing some directing and constantly heard actors trying to explain why they did something wrong — instead of accepting the error and going ahead." To bring such ideals to his son, Chuck spends a lot of time with him. Either they go riding — and Fraser is quite the expert rider — or they play tennis. Sometimes the youngster e.ven paints alongside his father. And naturally they have long talks. Most of the time Chuck has an answer continued on page 68 Dreamt cm come trme Im hshkn Designing Study at home to be a designer Whether you wish to make a career of dress designing or dream of creating a fashion-right wardrobe for yourself and members of your family. National School of Dress Design offers you the opportunity to get essential basic training in spare time study at home. 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