Screenland Plus TV-Land (Jul 1959 - May 1960)

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m w w w w I Want to Get Rid of L Dark or Discolored Skin, freckles, Skin Spots?] UthtWldsrk spell timei onrnllht. Famous Mercollzed Wax Cream 7 NIGHT PLAN Lightens, Beautifies Skin While You Sleep Just follow the amazing Mercolized Wax Cream7 NIGHT PLAN to a whiter, softer, lovelier skin. Smooth rich, luxurious Mercolized Wax Cream on your face or arms just before retiring; each night for one week. You'll begin to eee results almost at once . . . lightens dark skin, blotches, spots, freckles as if by magic! This is not a cover up cosmetic; Mercolized Wax Cream works UNDER the skin surface. Beautiful women have used this time -tested plan for over 40 years — you'll love it's fast, sure, longer lasting results! Mercolized Wax Cream is sold on 100% guarantee or money back. Start using it now! MERCOLIZED WAX CREAM At All Drug and Cosmetic Counters WE'VE GOT 'EM ALL 8x10 GLOSSY photos of movie stars & scenes from films made after 1952 blk & wht 25* ea., COLOR 50* ea. Portraits & scenes from old movies now on TV — Black & White— 50< each FREE CATALOG AND LISTS 4x5 pirt raits — B & W 7-50e I5-$I color 3Se ea. Please include Postaae BJtuco ENTERPRISES— P.O. Box SB, Dept. P-3 Times Square Station, New York 36, New York What a Brand Name tells you Brand Names are built on your confidence. You and your neighbors dictate the standards a Brand Name product must meet to consistently deliver the value and service you want. A respected Brand Name is a manufacturer's most valuable asset and he spares no effort to protect it by constantly bettering his product. A Brand Name is the maker's guarantee of satisfaction which is doubly endorsed by the dealer who sells it. For dependable quality and consistent satisfaction you do better with brands you know; get to know those you see advertised in this magazine. To get the most for your money buy by Brand Name and be sure! A Brand Name is a maker's reputation THE THREE CHARLTON HESTONS continued for the many questions Fraser throws at him, but he admits some bring him to a complete stop. "I can't get used to a child's thirst for detail," he remarked. "Fraser and I were driving along one day and we came to an overpass. He asked me what it was. I told him — an overpass. "What's it for, Daddy?' he asked. So I said it was to prevent other cars from having to cross the main road. So he at once came back with, 'But why don't they want to cross the road?' I can't even remember how I got out of this one but I do remember the questior went on forever. "If I don't have an answer to a que tion, I quickly tell him I don't know, think it's good for a child to learn that h father doesn't know everything."' Chuck paused, looked off into spac and then said quietly, "It's wonderful I watch a child grow. Sure it's a temptatio to want to hold on to each day, you don want him to grow too fast, but then yo can only remember that each day he live will offer something new and excitir, and challenging, something memorable. . father is an amazingly lucky person, think." EN Janet And Tony's Marriage Secrets continued from page 60 68 BRAND NAMES FOUNDATION, INC. «7 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 16, N.Y. Ann Douglas insisted that I stop over at her place first," Janet recalled. "It wasn't my birthday or our anniversary, or anything like that, so I had no idea I was walking into one of Tony's traps. Ann told me there was something she wanted me to see in her living room. That something was Tony. He came out with this gorgeous mink. I was never so surprised or thrilled!" Tony's elaborate security precautions were typical. "He'd designed it himself, gotten the measurements from the studio, and given them to the furrier," Janet sighed. "I just love the way he buys presents. It's never on a special occasion. His joy is when I don't expect it. And he doesn't like gifts to be wrapped. He sort of likes to slip it to you. I'm going to bring my mink along when we go to New York. It looks like it'll be cold. I've been praying for cold weather so I can wear it." The imminent New York trip offered still another example of their relaxed togetherness. Tony was to go in connection with the start of his new Paramount picture, "'The Rat Race". It was a matter of course — and of elation — that Janet would accompany him. Thereby lay another clue to their happiness. Tony and Janet not only seem always to have something with which to occupy themselves at the moment, but something to which they are looking forward. Janet's sights already are fixed as far ahead as next summer when she, Tony and the kids plan to be in Italy for the Olympic games. "It's going to be wonderful," she could scarcely contain herself. "We're going with a group of people, and Tony and I are going to study Italian." For all their rollicking compatibility, Janet does not pretend that she and Tony occupy a headache-free oasis where none of the usual stresses and strains of marriage are felt. Self-deception is one talent that has managed to elude them. Nor did Janet claim any push button technique for patching up quarrels like never goin to bed without a goodnight kiss. "We have problems the same as an; body else," Janet was completely fortl right. "When a problem comes along, it as new and serious as if we've never ha one before. We're both emotional peopl and we react strongly and violently. _3 the end, there's that much more unit; but our arguments are not always setde in one session or one night of tall Sometimes it may take a few months i straighten things out." Janet would not even suggest that eith< their customary rapport or experience settling previous clashes softens the in pact when a problem strikes. "You keep building a stronger found tion," she conceded. "Maybe as time got on the problems don't come as often. Bi I don't think you are ever prepared fc problems. Anytime there's a problem < an argument, it's like the first argumen Even though you know you've solve^ other problems before, and even thoug you know deep down this one's going U be solved, you're not thinking of th; when you're arguing." Still Janet wasn't dismayed or intim dated by this harsh fact of married lif "We have high peaks of enthusiasm an low dips of depression," she tossed it o philosophically. ""We have arguments an we have moments of ideal contentmen We run the gamut. Underneath, than God, there is a fundamental togethernei that prevails. I find that in times of rej trouble, when we have real problem there are never any arguments. Argi ments usually come when there are r> problems at all. That's the time when yc get into mischief." With all their special talents for gettir the most out of marriage, Janet Leig scoffed at the idea that she and Tony ha any magic formula for the freshness an excitement of their relationship. "There are no gimmicks," it seemed s simple to her. "All you need is love. Tl rest comes easy." EN